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Well in science today my teacher said

"We're gonna make some babies!" And we all were so confused.

We had to partner up with the person sitting beside us (wether it was the same or opposite gender)

And throw pennies to see what gender and traits your baby would have.

I was paired up with this sweet quiet guy.

And I of course being the loud, peppy, obnoxious kid I am I clapped and said "Aaron! Are you ready to be the father of our kid?!"

We rolled and got a boy but I flipped the coin and told him that we were having a girl. He complied.

After you found out the traits (thank god my baby didn't have a uni brow. But it did have "thick lips") you had to draw it.

And of course I drew it

It looked good though. Everyone else drew an adult but I drew a baby. And I actually tried. And everyone crowded around it once I taped it to the wall. One girl took a picture I'm choking XD she posted it on Snapchat I think

I don't even have Snapchat

I'm not cool

It was nice.

I want to take a picture of it to show you guys my child.

It's name is Caroline Marie Davis

My middle name and the dude's last name.

She has curly hair and this other kid Jacob said it looks so cute that he wants to be The Godfather.

One kid got paired up with a guy and he was very upset haha. The teacher said to pretend the other person was a girl.

I told him to suck it up and be gay for a day.

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