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Ok. I didn't draw anything today because I couldn't get anything right.

And story time.

Tiday was a mess

But at dinner I was getting my food with a spatula on a metal tray that was still sizzling because it literally just came out of the oven.

And .... I go to go get the food off the tray but it was kinda stuck and it moved the tray off the oven a little. By instinct I went to grab the seeding hot pan.

Luckily I only burned my left pinky but it doesn't look great and right now it hurts pretty bad.

(Showering hurt so bad oml)


Whoops haha.

I'm so tired so I'm gonna sleep but I thought I'd share my stupidity before I do so.

I feel like I should be stressed and I kinda am but. ... I'm not. My state's standardized test is tomorrow (math) and it always causes me so much anxiety because of how damn serious everyone is about it. They drill us so hard asdfghjkl

And they don't let us eat. Or leave the room. Or do anything. For hours on end.

I sat staring at a white wall for an hour last time I am being serious. The rest of the time I spent sleeping.
And the second day I read for 2 and a half hours straight.

I finish the English one so early.

My drawings 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora