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There is over 1.5k comments on this book. That's why I love posting here so much XD

I had a better day today than yesterday. Much better.

I ate the food I made a few days ago in consumer. It was great. It was a chocolate, butterscotch, gram cracker, bar thing.

I talked to this girl in class and I asked her if I could sit with her (she kinda knew what was going on) and she said of course. So I did. And I'm really glad.

But I kept going back to talk to Wayne, megan, and Hannah because we were clearing things up.

We all agreed that aulani was an ass to us and controlled us.

So we are all going to leave if she doesn't change.

She wasn't at school today. Which worries me.

A lot.

We all are worried.

I don't like excluding people or singling out anyone or even taking sides.... but they are completely right. She was terrible to me and my friends. And she thought she was the boss. Literally.

She even kicked me out of the group chat for 20 minutes last week because I talked. And she was doing work.

I haven't talked in it since.

I want to allow her back in but if she's going to be like this then I don't want to be her friend.

I'm not even sure I want to be friends with Wayne and them either.

But I have somewhere else to go and other friends so I think it will be ok.

I've wanted to go and talk to the councilor because this is causing me stress, but she's never there?

I even leave notes on her door and she never calls me down or says anything.

I get she's busy but....

Other than that my day was ok.

I didn't have to go to the nurses office again. Woop.

Thanks again for all the nice comments. It means so much.

I have another funny story thing and I'm gonna say it in the next chapter 

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