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I'm home now and to update you all, it all went ok. My cramps were pretty bad though I found out the nurse can give medication for that! Wooh! I didn't have the form sighted but she said I could have it just this one time. Which I am super thankful for.

Ow my chest hurts I hate hiccups haha

And although I got stumped on more than a couple questions, I think the test went ok.

We did nothing the rest of the day XD

Which is awesome.

It all turned out decent I'm glad.

I even sat with my friends tiday. (The school sometimes makes us sit by home rooms because of like, 6 kids. And I have just been leaving to eat in the nurses office because although that's pathetic I'd rather not eat besides Ayla and my old best friend Alexa)

We didn't go back to our regular seating but I moved to where two of my friends were sitting. I'm such a rebel notreally

I'm gonna try to draw today. If these damn hiccups go away

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