
63 5 15

Haven't really drawn much but I kinda have. I'll post it when I'm done

I keep freaking sneezing oh. My. God

Something about me

Ever since I was little I've never really liked dresses or girly things (outfits)
But I HATED the idea of cutting my hair short

For years my mom would ask and I'd say no

But then one day... I'm just like... screw it.

And I cut it (I said BELOW my shoulders but the lady forgot that I have curly hair) above my shoulders.

And I loved it

Ever since I've kinda liked my hair short

But I've never been brace enough to get it REALLY short

But I want to so bad

If I had the opportunity to shave my head I would do it honestly

I hate my hair.  It's a damn mess anyways

Although curly hair is hard to cut really short.

I want to cut it like.... really short. But my mom says no. And I don't want to fall into that stereotypical lesbian look. There's nothing against that but.... I just don't?

I'm getting my hair cut soon

I also want to dye it

Like... blue or something. While it's short

I actually dyed my hair once before

Reddish pink

It was in streaks

And it looked awesome in my opinion

But my mom got pissed at my dad for letting his girlfriend at the time do it


Let me do what I want. Stop worrying that I'll be made fun of.

I don't care what others think of me

I never have much

Or my looks that is
I'm self conscious but... it's complicated

I want to look up stuff now asdfghjkl

I am going to cut my hair to my shoulders probably. Haha. I look so young oh my lord. And with short hair I look younger. But I love having short hair so oh well

It will grow over the summer

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