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Still no art. I might take a break. I've been so tired.

I don't know how kids can go right from school, to like, the mall with their friends.

By the end of school I'm so exhausted from being around people. I just couldn't.

We didn't do anything today.

We watched movies and went outside. Me and my math teacher (and some other girls) were just talking about life and telling stories and making fun of the kids in our grade that were playing kick ball.

I was too stressed to enjoy it though.

Which made me really upset.

I did some meme things so you can know more of what I enjoy besides art

I did some meme things so you can know more of what I enjoy besides art

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So yeah ^^^

Other things I'm good at

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Other things I'm good at.
I'm ok at singing, some people say I'm good so?
And I love love love it

I am pretty good at writing once I get going. Creative writing and essays (mostly creative)

If you want some graphic horror stories I'm your girl

I love acting asdfghjkl I used to play with toy ponies and barbules and stuff with my brother and I'd get so into it I'm choking. I could never get involved in something like that because of stage fright and anxiety, but I do like it.

So yeah XD

I want to sing for you guys one day. But I only sing when nobody but me is in a place. Which is rare? So yeah XD and you can't post stuff here unless it's on YouTube. And I'm scared you'll think I'm bad haha

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