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A thing to waste chapters because I'm lazy and tired and haven't drawn much.

(If you ever want blanks of these just ask)

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(If you ever want blanks of these just ask)

The green ones are definite and the pink ones I was a little uncertain about. And since I love talking about myself (that's true)

I'll explain the pink ones. If you have any questions about the others you may ask.

Been in love and broken hearts- I feel like I have been in love with someone. I'm still young I know. So that's why I'm uncertain. And some people say love lasts forever. Which I kind of agree on. I still feel like I like this person a lot but... it's not going to work out so I have to move on.
And everyone has broken hearts. I'm not exactly sure if I have but I believe so.

Been verbally abused- my first relationship was really toxic (some of you may know who it was actually XD)
It was an online relationship and you may think "how can you be abused over the Internet?" You... can. And she was so bad to me and my friends. People describe abusive relationships exactly how mine was so...

Drank- ok. So I have never been drunk. And I'm secretly afraid of being nauseous and puking so I probably won't ever.
But I have had alcohol.
My parents let me so they know. It's all good. I grew up in a household that was like that.

Lost someone to suicide- now, suicide is a really.... touchy topic for me as I was "suicidal" at one point (I wanted to commit suicide but really had no plans to I was just... really upset from time to time and I felt like it would be better if I was dead)
And I know many.... many others who were and are suicidal. I try to help so much. And I go out to random people I don't know to help.
So cutting and suicide is not an unknown topic to me.
I ... I don't know if I lost someone I knew to suicide but ... there's a chance.

Told my parents- ok about what? My suicidal thoughts? Or anxiety? Being gay? All of that is a yes and no. They know I was upset at one point and I even said once on accident that I wanted to die so yeah they knew. They know well about my anxiety. Just not the gay part only a few know.

Take mess- I take medicine sometimes for my health issues (right now I just take Flonase and scalene crap as well as melatonin and other weird homeopathic stuff)

Sorry that was so long. It's hot and I'm bored.

I'm so tirrrrredddd.

I had the stupid standardized testing thing for my state today and Wednesday. I was so stressed about it.

And I'm tired

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