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I feel like I come off as this depressed kid to you guys because I always talk negative on here.

I'm not actually this bad in person. If I'm not stressed or anything I'm actually really happy and silly.

I just... im a really weird person and I can't talk about my feelings easily. Or at all.

With people I know

So I just.... spew it out to you guys.

And it feels good because you all support me and it makes me happy that I have that.

I just wish.... I could do that to the people I'm writing about? Or someone in person.

This is honestly like a diary to me. That's public. That's why I'm scared of my friends reading it because... they'll know everything that goes on in my mind.

It might be good I don't know haha.

But they don't care to read my crap.

I want to draw kinda but I feel super unmotivated.

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