~ Caught Out ~

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In which a photo gets spread around twitter.


3rd person
The seven sidemen were off to Nando's after a long day of filming football videos. Whilst walking, Josh and Simon were in their own little world, hand in hand, fingers interlocked, deep in conversation. However, this conversation was interrupted when Josh walked into a lamppost.

"Oh my god Josh are you okay?!" Simon shouted, trying to hold in his laughter.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me!" Josh replied, putting on a smile.

"Yo lovebirds! Hurry up!" Ethan shouted, catching their attention immediately.

"Sorry! I just walked into a lamppost! It's fine!" Josh replied, earning multiple laughs from the guys. As Josh and Simon caught up to the other 5, the elder of the two got questioned instantly.

"Josh mate, how the fuck did you walk into a lamppost?" Tobi asked through giggles.

"Got lost in his eyes." Josh answered, causing Simon to get completely flustered and earning himself a slap in the arm.

"Alright, stop with the sappy shit, let's get to Nando's!" JJ spoke impatiently, obviously wanting his food after a long day of filming. Not for his channel though; he was still 'evolving'.

~ At Nando's ~

As the gang walked into Nando's, still bantering about Josh's accident might I add, two girls spotted them from across the room. Seeing them, they recognised them instantly, and began silently squealing to each other - it was the sidemen, and they couldn't believe their eyes. Although it was quite creepy, they began watching them from across restaurant, trying not to make eye-contact with them. Then they noticed Josh and Simon. They noticed their hands - their fingers interlocked, the way they were looking at each other - their pupils dilated and shining brightly, and the way Simon would stick up for Josh when the others would make fun of him for walking into that lamppost earlier.

"Oh.. My.. God.. Kennedy.. Josh and Simon are fuckin' holding hands!" One of the twins, Morgan, whispered.

"Oh my god! I'm taking a picture. This is so cute!" The other part of the duo, Kennedy, replied.

She quickly snapped a picture of the extremely adorable sight and ran out of the restaurant, Morgan following behind. She was so happy that her OTP was real and she wanted the whole world to know.

~ Back at the house ~

As soon as the 4 housemates of the sidemen house arrived home, Simon and Josh instantly ran to the elder's room, wanting some alone time before recording.

"Today was fun." Simon spoke, his words muffled as his head was buried in Josh's shoulder.

"Indeed it was." Josh replied, softly kissing Simon's temple.

Unfortunately, their well deserved alone time was interrupted by both of their phones blowing up with notifications. As Simon logged into twitter to see what all of these tweets were about, his face dropped. Himself and Josh were caught holding hands in Nando's, and a picture of it was spread around twitter.

*Image attached*
'OMFG! @miniminter and @ZerkaaHD were freaking holding hands in Nando's! I'm dead, goodbye now.'

1400 replies

@Morgan_TWD_SDMN replied:

@xix_ellie_xix replied:

"Josh.." Simon warily began.

"I know, Simon. We got caught out, and there's nothing we can do about it.." Josh continued.

And to tease the fans even more..

@miniminter replied:

Word count: 562
I have no idea why I made Josh walk into a lamppost.. Also, I added AestheticallyKennedy and righteousbird55 into this oneshot coz we be minizerk stans!

Hope you enjoyed <3

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