~ Tag ~

782 10 12

I got tagged by Minizerk_is_otp to do this so sorry it's not actually an update, but there is a oneshot in the works :)


1. What is your favourite band?

Well, it's obviously Twenty-Øne Piløts because they are life

2. Mental age?

I have done multiple mental age tests in my time and they all say 7. Therefore I guess it's 7!

3. What is your favourite song?

Any tøp song tbh. I can't choose

4. What is your favourite movie?

Laid In America ngl.

5. Favourite quote from a song?

"Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind" - Twenty-Øne piløts 'Migraine'

6. What time do you stay up at night?

Weekdays: Until about 23:30
Weekends: 1-2am

7. What is your dream job?

I don't have one. The way my brain works is to not think about what you're going to do in the future, but think about what you're going to do now.

8. Explain what your profile picture is.

I mean, it's minizerk. There's nothing else to it really.

9. Teacher's pet or rule breaker?

Both tbh. If I'm working with someone, I'll always distract them so in the end we don't get any work done but the teachers think that it's them distracting me so they get in trouble for it.

10. If you could re-name yourself, what would your name be?

It'd be Alicia because that's what I was meant to be called, but my dad didn't like the name so my parents agreed on Ellie.

11. Celebrity crush?

I'm going to be completely honest and say I don't have one. People find that weird and no one believes me, but I honestly don't.

12. Romantic movies or horror movies?

I hate both with a passion.

13. YouTube or wattpad?

Both. I couldn't live without either of them.

Who I tag:










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