~ Marshmallow ~

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In which Josh takes the last marshmallow.


3rd person
Knowing that they've been working too hard and haven't stopped looking at their computers, the sidemen decided it was time for a break away. Therefore, they went camping! Although they're quite retarded and don't have much common sense, they thought it was time for a challenge, but this challenge was to survive in the wild. So far, they were yet to be eaten by a bear and all was going well. When it got to the final night, they were.. disappointed to say the least. They actually enjoyed having time away from the internet and just spending time with each other. Even though each could get equally as annoying as each other, they wouldn't have it any other way.

It was currently the final night and the sidemen gathered around the campfire, roasting marshmallows. The red flames were burning, sending smoke into the sky, causing it to become quite an eerie atmosphere. The fire was surrounded by grey stones, making it look like something you would find people hula dancing around. There were three logs surrounding the calming fire, each either having two or three sidemen on it. Simon and Josh were sharing one log, both sitting strangely close to each other. Then on another log was Tobi and Vikk, both just minding their own business, enjoying the marshmallows they were consuming. And finally, Ethan, JJ and Harry, all just enjoying the peace and quiet, thinking about their lives.

"I'm gunna miss this.." Simon spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that surrounded them.

"I know. This was fun.. We should do it more often, you know, take more time away from our technology.." JJ replied. Although he was taking a break from YouTube to 'evolve', he still spent a surprisingly unhealthy amount of time online.

"Guys! I'm about to eat the last marshmallow!" Josh announced, earning a groan from Simon.

"But Josssshhhh!" Simon whined.

"What Simon?" Josh spoke, slowly entering the gooey, warm marshmallow into his mouth.

"I wanted the last marshmallow!" Simon continued to whine, some weird noises exiting his mouth in the process. The other 5 guys were sniggering at the obscene sounds coming out of Simon's mouth, whilst Josh was deciding if he should take a huge risk that could potentially ruin his and the blonde's relationship.

You see, Josh has had a crush on Simon for a while now. At first, he thought it was stupid and would get over it eventually, but it turned into so much more. He knew that he may actually be in love with Simon, but he would never admit to that. Deciding to fuck it, he said something that he never thought he would. All he wanted was the sensation of Simon's lips on his, then he would be happy, his life would be complete.

"If you want it, come get it!" Josh shouted, sticking his tongue out. Simon couldn't stop staring at the gooey white substance placed on Josh's tongue (lmao). He desperately wanted that marshmallow, and if kissing Josh is what it would take, that's what he would do.

Simon pounced at Josh, grabbing his cheeks and smashing their lips together. He immediately shoved his tongue into Josh's mouth, searching for Josh's to get the marshmallow. However, it seemed that the delicious treat didn't matter anymore. All that mattered in this moment was him and Josh. Hesitantly, Simon pulled away and looked around, seeing that the other sidemen had solemnly made their way back to their tents.

"You didn't get the marshmallow Simon." Josh said with a smirk.

"I know. But that doesn't matter anymore.." Simon replied, wrapping his arms around Josh's neck and connecting them in another passionate kiss.

After their little kissing fest, Simon made his way to Josh's neck, kissing and sucking on his sweet spot, earning soft, low moans from the elder. Deepening the kiss, Simon placed himself in Josh's lap, wrapping his legs around Josh's waist. Whilst Simon continued to suck and bite on the other's neck, Josh slowly lifted him up and walked them both to the tent they coincidentally shared.

Who knew a relationship could change so drastically because of a marshmallow?

Word count: 699
Lowkey proud of this chapter ngl. Also tysm for 1k reads on cheating on her with him! Ik I'm bad at updating it but at least you have this! I will try and write a chapter for it but I'm not promising anything.

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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