~ Nightmare ~

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In which Josh has a nightmare.


Josh had finally finished his editing for the day and he was.. relieved to say the least. After all of the technical difficulties and power cuts, he was fucking exhausted. He hadn't slept in the past 36 hours and he knew that soon he would pass out. Without hesitation, Josh shut down all of his computers and slid under the covers of his warm, comforting bed. Oh how nice this sleep will be..


As Josh was cooking pasta for himself and Simon, a deadly scream was heard from upstairs. He thought that it was just Simon getting scared at the game he was playing and thought nothing of it. Oh how wrong he was...

As soon as he heard the shouts of Simon saying: 'Help me!', Josh knew something was up. Intrigued, Josh hesitantly began climbing up the stairs, making his way to Simon's bedroom.

Slowly but surely, Josh pushed open the door to find Simon tied to his bed, a man wearing all black hovering above him, a knife being held to Simon's throat. Josh couldn't do anything, he couldn't move. It was like time was frozen, nothing was happening. Looking around, Josh could see that Simon's window was smashed. He figured that that was how this mysterious man got into the house.

"JOSH! PLEASE! HELP ME!" Simon shouted, snapping Josh out of his trance.

"He's not going to help you, no one will, it's too late.." the dark figure spoke. And with that, the man slit Simon's throat, causing him to die instantly.


Heavy breathing, sweat dripping, eyes open,  Josh was awake. Never in his life had Josh experienced a nightmare as bad as that one. All he wanted to do was hold Simon close. Know that he was still here. Know that he was still alive.

Climbing out of bed, Josh's legs began to wobble. He hadn't properly walked anywhere in a while so his legs felt like they were about to give way. He couldn't give up though. He had to see Simon. He needed to be reassured that that nightmare wasn't reality, because if it was, he didn't know what he would do.

Using all of his energy, Josh began to climb up the stairs to Simon's room. As he came face to face with the oak brown door, he lightly knocked. He didn't want to disturb Simon. He could be recording for all Josh knew. However if he was, he was being oddly quiet.

After waiting outside for what seemed like hours, Josh finally decided to just walk into Simon's room. As he walked in, his heart melted at what he saw. Simon was wrapped in his covers, clinging on to his giant teddy that was usually placed on his black leather sofa.

Not wanting to disturb the sleeping blonde, Josh cautiously walked into the room, climbing into Simon's bed. Knowing that Simon was there would help Josh sleep, that was a fact. Josh then made himself comfortable, wrapping an arm around Simon, earning no reaction from the tall, lanky figure placed next to him. Without any tossing or turning, Josh finally fell into a deep, peaceful slumber.

~ Morning ~

As Simon awoke, he felt the presence of someone next to him and an arm snaked around his waist. As he looked to the left, he spotted his elder bearded friend sleeping. In Simon's eyes, he looked adorable, but why was he in there?  Wanting to know why Josh was in his bed, Simon woke him up. Not by just shaking him though - he decided to get a glass of ice cold water and pour it over Josh's head, the perfect way to wake up in the morning.

As Josh groaned and opened his eyes, Simon greeted him with an enthusiastic: "Hey Josh!"

"Simon whyyyy?!" Josh complained, wiping his face in the process.

"Because I wanted to know why you were in my bed so I woke you up." Simon replied.

"And you couldn't of just shaken me awake?"

"Nope! Now answer me. Why were you in my bed?"

Josh wanted to make something up but he knew that Simon could tell when he was lying. Even though he was embarrassed about it, he had to tell Simon the truth.

"Well, I had a nightmare. About... you."

"What do you mean it was about me? What happened?"

"W-well I was making us pasta downstairs like a normal Saturday night when I-I h-heard a scream. I-I thought nothing of it. I thought you were just playing a scary game. But y-y-you k-kept screaming so I knew something was up. W-when I g-got to your room, t-there was a-a man w-wearing all black h-hovering above y-you with a k-knife to your t-throat. Y-you s-shouted at me to h-help you but I c-couldn't do a-anything. I-I just w-watched him s-slit your throat. I w-watched you d-d-die!" Josh explained, beginning to cry.

"I-I just needed to hold you, know you were here, know you were a-alive." Josh continued.

As he finished what he was saying, Simon pulled him into the biggest hug he'd ever given.

"I'm here Josh. I'm here. I'm safe. No one killed me. I'm not hurt. I'm safe. I'm fine. I'm well." Simon whispered in Josh's ear as Josh let out heaving sobs on his shoulder.

"T-thank you Simon."

"You're welcome Josh."

And to seal the deal, Simon softly kissed Josh on the lips.

Word count: 934
Just saying, they're not together in this oneshot. Also, last night I had a dream that I met Simon and Josh and they were in a relationship. I wanted to cry when I woke up and found out it wasn't real.

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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