~ Black And White ~

458 15 3

In which Simon's world turns black and white.

Prompt from: writing.prompt.s on instagram, you should follow them, their ideas are amazing!


When you found your soulmate, the whole world around you went from black and white to colour.. However, when your soulmate dies, the world around you will go back to the dull black and white it was before..

"Bye Joshy. I'll miss you. See you later!" Simon spoke, pressing a soft kiss to his lovers cheek before setting off for work.

"Bye Si!" Josh called, watching his beautiful husband exit the house and make his way to work.

"You're picking up the kids from school, remember!" Simon shouted before entering his car and driving off.


Si <3: Just gotten to work. Just warning you, the roads are really wet and slippery from the rain. Be careful picking up the children from school, yea? Xx

Joshy <3: Of course, Si. I couldn't bare to hurt you. You're what made my skies blue, remember? Xx

Si <3: Okay, thanks. I need to get to work now. Byeeee (also, I'm expecting cuddles when I get home). Xx


Simon was just peacefully getting on with his work, suddenly hearing some skidding and a crash. He didn't think anything of it, however, as he heard things like this all the time.


That's when his heart began to quicken


That's when the blue-eyed boy collapsed to the ground, eyes slowly closing shut


That's when his whole life flashed before his eyes, particular memories with Josh staying a little longer.


That's when Simon woke up, and no longer was his world a mixture of beautiful blues and luscious greens. No longer was his world in colour, for now it was black and white.

Word count: 292
Ahh sorry this oneshot is so short! I can't write long sad things.. I sorry.

Also, don't expect me to start updating daily or consistently or whatever. I just saw this prompt and knew I had to write it. And I'm sorry for two sad oneshots in a row, I've just been in low moods recently and I guess writing sad things helps a little.

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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