~ Child ~

863 31 21

In which Freya wants to have a child with Josh.

Italics = Josh's thoughts


Josh's P.O.V
As soon as I saw I had a message from Freya, I groaned. I haven't been feeling the same about her recently. She's just become so needy, whiny.. annoying. Not wanting to see what sort of bullshit she was saying, I hesitantly opened the message.

From Freyy:
Hey Joshy. Can I come over today? There's something I want to talk to you about xxxx

Okay, not as bad as I thought it'd be. I mean, I can't exactly say no to her coming over as she's my girlfriend, but still, not as bad as I thought it'd be.

To Freyy:
Sure, come over whenever.

From Freyy:
You okay Josh? xxxx

To Freyy:
Why wouldn't I be?

Maybe because I have to see you. Woah.. What's gotten into me? I know she's been getting on my nerves but still..

From Freyy:
You're not sending me kisses :( xxxx

To Freyy:
And why does that matter? I can text whatever I like

Bit far? Oh well, it's too late now..

From Freyy:
Woah.. Okay..

Is now the part where I have to pity her?

To Freyy:
Listen, Freya. I'm sorry I snapped at you like that. I've just been under a lot of stress recently. Come over now yea? xx

From Freyy:
I'll be there in about half an hour. Can't wait to see you xxxx

To Freyy:
See you then x

Okay, now's the time to mentally prepare myself for her.

~ Time skip to when Freya gets there because I cba tbhh ~

Just as I was about to go up to Simon's room to see if he wanted to record (a porno. What who said thatttt??), there was a knock at the door. I knew exactly who it was and wasn't excited. Hesitantly, I began walking down the stairs and opened the door.

"Joshy!" Freya shouted and literally jumped at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"Hey Frey," I spoke, pressing a chaste kiss to her temple.

"I missed you.." she mumbled in my ear, bringing her head away from my neck so she could press her lips to mine.

I really didn't want too, but I had to kiss back. She began to lick my bottom lip, asking for entrance, however I just pulled away.

"I want you Josh..." Freya whispered, clinging onto me even more. Not wanting to do anything with her, I managed to get her legs and arms off of me and put her on the floor.

"No, Freya. You wanted to talk to me, so speak." I said bitterly.

"Woah.. O-okay then.."

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