~ Sex ~

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In which Josh and Simon have an FWB relationship.

Based off of the song 'sex' by EDEN

lmaoo if you think this is gunna be smut THINK AGAIN BITCHESSS


And I said what's up,
What you been thinkin'?
Cause you been staring at that roof so long I swear it's come alive

It was simple. Whenever one of them got horny, they'd go to the other and.. you get the idea. But that was all it was. They both agreed on 'no strings attached', and if one of them began to feel uncomfortable or start to catch feelings, they'd stop.

And she spoke nine words,
And now we're sinking
But I can't find it in myself to wanna lie to keep this thing from going down

However, Josh had a secret, and he couldn't tell Simon. He couldn't tell Simon anything. Oh how he desperately wanted to, but he never wanted this bliss to end. So that was that. Simon could never find out.

Cause that girl took my heart,
And I ain't want it back,
I'm laying down my cards

Josh did it. Josh did the forbidden. He caught feelings, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Cause you said it meant nothing,
And I shoulda kept my silence,
But I guess I'm too attached to my own pride to let you know

Recently, everything changed. Josh brought up the discussion that no one would be excited for. He asked what they were. Because friends don't do this, do they? But his dreams were crushed when the beautiful blonde told him that it meant nothing. In that moment, the bearded man's heart truly broke.

Little did Josh know, Simon was slowly beginning to feel the same, he just didn't know how to say it.

That all these words meant nothing,
And I've always been this heartless,
And we're just having sex no I would never call it love,
But love

It took everything Josh had in him to tell Simon the next day that everything he said the previous night was a lie. That he was tired and didn't know what he was saying. Little did either of them know that both boys were breaking inside, because these feelings were being ignored, when they needed to be set free.

Oh no,
I think I'm catching feelings and I don't know,
If this is empathy I feel just,
Hold on,
Remember why you said this was the last time..

After that day, Josh and Simon decided to end the deal. They couldn't handle it anymore. It was getting too much for them.

Oh, don't you just hate love?

Word count: 439
Have a shit ass chapter because it's my birthday tomorrow :)))

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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