~ Mine Part 2 ~

787 27 49

In which ??? makes their attack


???'s P.O.V

After Simon and Josh came out to us, everyone surrounded them with hugs. Why couldn't I be the one with Josh?! I'm the one that loves him! Not Simon! I'm the perfect person for him! He's the one for me, I know he is. Soon, he will be mine.

After Simon and Josh were congratulated and smothered with support, we all decided to have a movie night. They let me choose the movie so I chose a horror, knowing that this would be the perfect way to attack..

Midway through the movie, a really scary part began. Simon began to snuggle up to Josh and I knew it was time..

I pounced on Simon, literally taking the air out of him and wrapped my fingers around his neck, squeezing tight.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! STOP! PLEASE STOP!" Josh shouted, tears spilling out of his eyes. He was trying his hardest to pull me off of Simon, but I wouldn't budge.

Simon let out weak kicks and punches, trying to save himself. But he couldn't. I squeezed tighter and tighter, making sure there was no way any air could enter his body.

Suddenly, he went limp. His eyes drooped closed and so I knew my job was done.

"QUICK! HE'S FUCKING UNCONSCIOUS! CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE!" Josh shouted, making his was to give Simon CPR.

"Don't panic Josh, I've already called them. They're on there way. So are the police.." Tobi spoke, going to calm Josh down. He fucking called the police on me!

"H-how c-could you d-do this t-to me JJ.."

Word count: 274
Don't hate me.

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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