~ Unrequited ~

563 22 24

In which Simon likes Josh, but Josh loves Freya


Dear Josh,
I would tell you this in real life, but I'm scared. I have a secret that I've been keeping from you. The rest of the guys know, however I just haven't been ready to tell you yet. But now I am. I'm manning up, telling you this massive secret of mine. As you already know, I'm gay. I'm pretty sure everyone knows at this point (even my fans), but there's so much more to it than that. You were the one who made me figure out my true sexuality. You. I know you have Freya and you love her, I know that. I just can't keep this to myself any longer. That's why I'm writing this letter. I'm terrified of what you're going to say, absolutely petrified. I'm not even sure if I'll give you this letter. All I want you to know is..

I like you, Josh..

~ Simon xx

As soon as Josh read the letter, he was.. shocked. He had no idea what to do. Although he didn't want to break the blonde's heart, he had to tell him the truth. He loves Freya, and was pretty sure he was going to propose soon.

What could he do now..

Word count: 212
So all I know is that RyanXIX wants me to make this into a book. If I do, this'll be the first chapter. This was a random idea I had and I don't know whether I should just keep it as this oneshot or make it a book. Just to let you know, if I do make this a book it won't come out for a while as I'll pre-write it all first (*cough* only because Ry does it and it works better for them *cough*). So, what do you guys think? Should I make this a book or keep it as a oneshot? Comment your answer.

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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