Chapter 15

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Chanyeol smiled at us."Why are you all leaving?" He asked us. Eunji was trying to talk to me while avoiding Chanyeol's gaze. I just went along. Suho told Chanyeol that we will be going out."Have fun, Suho."He just said but Suho blocked the door.

"You are coming with us."Suho said to Chanyeol with a smirk. He just shrugged as he can't fight with Suho."Looks like , I am not the only guy anymore."Suho chuckled.

I just shook my head then giggled. Naeun walked towards Kai who was just standing infront of us. No one noticed it as everyone looks so busy with their own world. I whispered to Eunji."Are we going or not?"

She laughed then clapped."I'll be treating you all today.Lets go!" Eunji shouted as she pulled me with her. We went to Eunji's restaurant. I actually miss this place.  Our seating arrangements were organized by genders. The guys are on the left side while girls on the right side.

"I am going to treat you all with our specialty."Eunji said then went to their kitchen. Chanyeol was just texting on his phone while Kai was sitting across naeun , avoiding her gaze. I glanced at Suho, he was staring at the painting on the wall. I smiled as I watched him.

"Chorong-sshi."I heard him say then I quickly looked away. We were sitting across each other and I feel nervous , feeling his gaze on me."Have you been here before?" He asked.

I  turn my head towards him and replied." Yeah."I placed my hands on my lap and stared at the floor. Suho chuckled then stretched his arm towards me."What is it?"I asked.

"Wanna arm wrestle?"He asked me with a smile. I hesitated a bit but when Suho told me that I was only scared because I might humiliate myself. I cleared my throat then held his hand."Go."He said.

We started pushing each others arm but his grip on my hand is so strong that It hurts. I gave up then groaned in pain."It hurts."I complained.

He stood from his seat and grabbed my hand."Mianhe."He apologized then laughed nervously while scanning it. I stared at his face and felt my heart beating really fast again.

"What are you both doing?"Eunji asked with a tray while smirking at us. Everyone looked at suho and I , Suho was clueless as he sat on his seat. Eunji placed the tray infront of Chanyeol then asked him to pass the glasses to the others."Listen to me and stop texting your girlfriend."

Chanyeol nodded as he passed the glasses."But, she is not my girlfriend."He said then chuckled. Eunji just glared then walked back to the kitchen. I just shook my head as I watched the both of them.

Everyone started eating while Suho and Eunji was talking about their experiences in the SC club. I just laughed and listened to them like everyone else. Naeun was a bit uncomfortable while eating so as she finished her food, she went outside to get some air.

As everyone was finished, Kai went outside while answering a call ; Eunji and Chanyeol are talking about the girl ; Suho was texting someone. I secretly looked at him.I wonder who is it?

"Looks like I have to go."Suho said as he stood from his seat and run towards the door. I was about to say goodbye but it was too late.

I sighed then looked at Eunji and Chanyeol."I'll be going then."I told to them and just smiled at me. I grabbed my bag and walked to the door. As I pushed it open, I saw a guy waving at me.

He walked towards me and snatched the bag from me."You didnt wait for me."Jimin said while glaring and walking to the bus stop. I just sighed as I forgot about my brother.

"Don't you know how to go home by yourself?"I asked him as I raised an eyebrow. He didnt respond and dragged me to sit on a bench to wait for a bus. I rolled my eyes and took out my phone.

"I don't know how."He said then looked at me. I glanced at him then patted him on his back."I am glad to be your brother,noona. Do you promise that you'll also be my sister?"

I bit my lip as I remembered how he is adopted by my parents. I ruffled his hair then dragged him inside the bus.


Jimin and I arrived at the house. Mom and Dad isnt home yet and Bogum is in his room. Someone tapped on my shoulder."Noona, I want to eat."Jimin said. I nodded.

"I only know how to cook ramyeon and egg."I said while scartching the back of my head. He just nodded and went to watch some television."So, should I cook some ramyeon?"I asked as I narrowed my eyes.

"I am hungry."He replied then raised his hand with a thumbs up. I shrugged and started cooking ramyeon for him. Its so hard to communicate with my brother. After I finished, I carried the hot pot of ramyeon on the table and placed chopsticks beside it.

I smelled the aroma coming from it and smiled."Jimin, come and eat your ramyeon."I said as I walked towards him. He stood up and walked to the table.

As he started eating, I walked upstairs with my bag. I placed my bag on my desk and opened it."So many homeworks."I sighed then started doing my homeworks while listening to muics.

My door opened, I looked at the person walking towards me."I thought you werent going to do your homeworks again."Bogum laughed while checking my notes.

"At least, knock before entering my room."I said while glaring. Bogum nodded then pointed at the floor which is where Jimin's room is."What?"

"I heard he is going to your school and your class."He said while trying to stop himself from laughing. I rolled my eyes and started slapping him with my notebook. He laughed as he run towards his room.

I looked outside my room then clicked my tongue."Noona."A faint voice can be heard from the stairs. I sighed as I saw Jimin in his pajamas while wearing headphones."Its so loud. What were you doing?"

"It was Bogum."I replied then closed the door. Someone knocked again, I answered it. Jimin took off his headphones and yawned."What is it?"I asked.

"Mom and Dad arent home yet. Can you stay downstairs for a while?"He asked me. I sighed then nodded. Jimin followed me as I walked downstairs to the living room. He went to his room but left the door open.

After an hour, I checked the clock. It was already nine. I stood up and was about to go upstairs but a knock on the door stopped me. I opened the door to see Suho smiling at me. I gasped."Suho?!" I whispered.

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