Chapter 23

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Luhan elbowed my side, as we stood across each other." Ya, why did you even agree to this?"He whispered at me. I forced a smile at him, then told him that I didn't know WeiWei was going to be with him. He laughed a bit."What is Suho thinking?" He asked me.

I don't even know. Suho noticed Luhan and asked."Why are you with Chorong?" Before Luhan could even answer him, I cut him off by hitting him. I also don't know why I cut him off. I paused for a while before talking."We both met before going here. How about.."

Suho looked at who I was looking."Wei wanted to come. I am sorry that I couldn't tell you." He said, chuckling. Wei locked her arm with Suho then told him that he shouldn't be sorry because it was her fault. I rolled my eyes."I guess, this is going to be a double date."Suho said.

"I am going home."Luhan said but I quickly grabbed his arm."I was joking." He said, laughing. I raised my eyebrow, pulling him towards me. I could see Wei's gaze at us, but ignored it. We followed Suho and his girlfriend, through the crowd.

Luhan sat before I could even, leaving me standing. I kicked his right leg then glared at him."I should be the one sitting, not you." I said. He clearly pretended not to hear me, then closed his eyes. "Seriously, why am I even with you?"I asked, holding onto the pole. 

I looked at where Suho and Wei was. They look so happy while I am with this guy."In the first place, why didn't I rejected his offer?"I mumbled.Suho suddenly glanced at my way, I cleared my throat. He went back to talk to his girlfriend.

The train finally reached the destination, we all went to the cinema. It was Suho's idea. Luhan and I didn't even once talk to each other since we got off the train."Chorong, do you want some popcorn, too?"Suho asked, looking back at me. 

My eyes widened."Me?"I asked. He nodded then smiled at me."I want some popcorn, too."Luhan suddenly replied to Suho and glanced at me. Luhan patted me at the back while a pity smile on his face. I hit his arm."He asked me."I told him.

"You were taking too long to answer."Luhan replied. Suho gave the popcorn and drinks to us, then we all entered. The movie was a romance-comedy and I actually loved it. In the whole movie, I ignored the public affection display of Suho and Wei. When the movie ended, we went to the restrooms.

Every stall was occupied, I had to wait. Wei came out from the stall at the end then stopped in front of me. I smiled, walking pass her and used it. When I came out from the restroom, only Suho was there."Where are they?" I asked him, looking around.

"I was wondering, too."Suho said. We awkwardly stood side by side, waiting for them. I cleared my throat to break the ice."I think we should go look for them."Suho told me, rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded and let him lead the way. 

It was hard to look for them in this crowd. I stopped Suho by grabbing his arm then told him."Why don't you call Wei?" I asked him. He nodded and started dialing her number. We walked around as he called her but no answer. I suddenly saw two persons talking to each other at the fountain. I stopped from walking."Shall we go check there?" I asked Suho, pointing at the other direction.

"Oh, there they are."Suho said as he walked towards them. Luhan and Wei looks like they are having a really serious moment. I wanted to stop Suho but I don't have the right to. Wei suddenly started walking away from Luhan with a very furious look. She didn't even noticed Suho, who was worried for her.

Luhan walked towards us."I have to go." He said, running after the girl she likes. Suho seems confused and also wanted to run after them. I held his hand, stopping him from going. I don't want to let him go.He looked at me."What?"then asked me. 

It was me being selfish but I want him to know the truth."Don't." I replied. He glanced at the direction where they went then looked at me. I let go of his hand, waiting for what will happen next. Suho didn't even moved one inch from where he is standing. I wanted to ask a lot of questions.

"What do you think happened?" Suho asked, forcing a smile. I stared at his face then told him that I don't know but I think that made him more worried. He sat on a nearby bench."I think I need to go after them." He told me.

"When did it all start?" I asked him as I stand before him. He looked at me, taken back by what I just asked. This is not the time to be asking him this but I want to know. Suho bit his lower lip then replied."Actually, I liked her even when she was with Luhan before. It may be wrong but it is what I feel. I just like how she is so cheerful and everything."It was a bad idea, I shouldn't have asked. Now, it hurts even more.

Suho chuckled."I was actually happy when she told me she likes me. Come to think of it, did you ever received a confession from someone you like?"He asked me. If only he could, I would be the happiest now. He is expecting an answer from me but should I at least give him a hint?

"He already have someone else."I replied then sat beside him. He patted me at the back and told me that the guy doesn't deserve me at all, chuckling. Pabo."Do you think he will notice my feelings? He only thinks of me as a friend, though." I said while staring at the fountain.

His phone received a message."It's Wei. She just told me that she went home."Suho said as he turned it off. His expression immediately changed when he saw Luhan walking towards us. How should I say this? Worried and Angry at the same time."What happened?"Suho asked Luhan.

Luhan didn't reply then grabbed my hand."Can you come with me?"He asked. It looks like something bad happened between Luhan and Wei. I was about to ask why when Suho suddenly pulled me away from Luhan."What?" Luhan asked Suho. It's uncomfortable standing between them. "Did you plan all of this?"Luhan asked Suho another question. 

"I guess, she told you everything." Suho said. They look like they are having a staring contest. He placed his hands in his pockets and asked him."Why did you even break up with her?" I was shocked at his question to Luhan.

 Luhan glanced at me."It has nothing to do with you."He replied to Suho, dragging me away from him. Suho grabbed my arm before Luhan and I go. Why are they using me? Is this tag of war or something?"What is it?"Luhan asked.

"Why does Chorong have to go with you?"Suho asked him, pulling me towards him. Luhan let go of my hand then a smirk appeared on his face."You like Chorong, now? I thought you like Wei, what's happening?"He asked Suho. I immediately shoot a glare at Luhan when he started telling nonsense. 

Suho couldn't answer right away."What are you talking about?"He asked Luhan. I don't know why but I wanted to hear Suho's answer to that question. Suho sighed then glanced at me."Why are we even fighting? I think I'll have to go, now." He told us and walked away.

"He just dodged the question."Luhan said, smiling at me. 

"What do you mean?"


Good day to everyone! I don't have anything to say at all. Please pm me or anything if you see any mistakes or you want to ask me anything . LOVES AND KISSES FOR EVERYONE.

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