Chapter 19

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I smiled , unconciously. I couldnt help it but smile while thinking about Suho and I eating lunch together. Our teacher slammed her hand on my desk causing me to jump a little bit on my chair. "Ms. Park, please listen."She said.

I looked around me. My eyes quickly landed to Suho ,who was stopping himself from laughing. I pouted. I must've looked really dumb. A tap on my shoulder made me go back to reality. My classmate gave a little piece of paper. I unfolded the paper given to me.

Meet me at the canteen .
After School.
I'll be waiting :)

I looked at the person who gave it to me then asked who gave it."Molla." She answered. Does this mean I have an admirer? I folded the paper and placed it in my pocket. A tap on my shoulder caught my attention. I glanced at the person beside me. 

Naeun raised an eyebrow while pointing at my pocket. As soon as I talked, the teacher called out my name. I looked at the teacher." Ms. Park , detention." She told me. I sighed and thought about how can I go and watch the tv series I am watching after school. 

The class ended. Naeun patted me on the back and sighed."I am so sorry, It was my fault. I should've been given a detention , too." She apologized then laughed , nervously. I shook my head , leaning my head on the desk."Are you okay?" She asked.

I looked at her." Look at this."I replied as I lend her the paper in my pocket. She red it then gasped."Well, that is not exactly the problem. I can't watch my favorite Tv series later. I don't wanna miss it."

She giggled." Its just one episode. I'll tell you what happened." Naeun said then placed the paper in her pocket." And I'll check out who wrote this to you if you want."

I smiled then showed her a thumbs up." Why don't you just record it and show it to me tomorrow?"I asked her. She nodded." So, how about we buy lunch while we still have time? I am so hungry."

"You do know I have my own homemade lunch, right?"She asked me while placing her lunchbox on her desk. I pouted then decided to buy lunch by myself."I'll wait for you. Dont worry."

I left the classroom and coincidentally passed by the SC clubroom. I remembered my plan with Suho. I gasped then run back towards our classroom but I stopped as I saw Suho walking towards my direction while waving at me."Chorong, you left. I thought we were going to eat together."

"I... I was looking for something."I lied then noticed the lunch box that he has been holding. I pointed my index finger at it." What is that?" I asked.

He raised it up and chuckled."Jimin gave it  and told me to give it to you. Does Jimin cook lunch for you?" He asked.

"No."I replied as he gave me the lunch box.

"I will cook something for you , next time... Tomorrow?" Suho told me while showing me a thumbs up. I was surprised to hear his suggestion but didnt hesitate to say yes to it. He chuckled at my reaction then said." So, what do you wanna eat?"

The question made me think of something and then I smirked." How about we both share in this lunchbox ? This is actually too much for me." I paused while showing him the lunchbox."So? Do you want to?"

He smiled." I guess , we can do that." Suho replied. It feels like he doesn't like the  idea sharing food with me. " Let's go to the garden." He said as he walked before me.


We picked the table beside the tree and then I placed the lunch box on the table. I opened it and was surprised to see cute octodogs but what actually caught my attention are the chicken feet.

"You love chicken feet?" Suho asked me . I realized I have been smiling at the chicken feet. I nodded." I never knew you like them. Its nice to know what your favorite is because now I know what to cook for you. Lets start eating?"

"Yeah."I replied , feeling so happy. I can't stop smiling at what is happening right now but I need to hide it. He seems so silent at the rest of the break but I was glad we are eating together.

Suho checked his phone then looked at me." Looks like we need to go back." He said while helping me clean the mess we created. I nodded.

"Don't you think the food-" I was about to ask something but Suho stopped me with an annoyed face."...Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

Suho realized what he just have done then laughed nervously." I didn't mean it that way. I just feel weird for some reasons. I think I need to go ,first. See you later...."He left while lost in his thoughts.

"Is Suho okay?"I asked ,myself. Does he have a fever? I quickly cleaned and then run after Suho. The hallway was pretty crowded but luckily , I found him. I was about to approach him when a girl suddenly touched his forehead. I stopped."That gir.l.." I pouted.

Suho looks happier with that girl and that makes me ...a bit jealous? I sighed." She does look pretty. What if?... Suho doesn't actually wanna eat with me? .. That is impossible, right? Suho isn't that kind of guy." I mumbled before walking in the opposite direction.


As soon as I entered our classroom, Naeun told me to come. I raised my eyebrow while walking towards her."What is it?"I asked as I sat on my desk.

She smirked at me." The festival is tomorrow , right? I planned all the things we will be doing." Naeun said while showing me a list.

I gasped."You made a list?"I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, tomorrow we will have fun." Naeun said, happily. The teacher entered as soon as I looked at it. He was scanning the room then sighed. He smacked his hand on the table with an annoyed face.

"Where is Suho?"He asked to us, calmly. The teacher has a big grudge on Suho and he just wont move on. As I was about to stand, Suho entered the room. Game over." Suho or Kim Jumyeon, detention!"

I guess, me and suho will go to detention."Chorongah, bingo."Naeun told me with a smile on her face. I placed my index finger on my lips , signaling her to be quiet. She just giggled and then nodded her head in agreement."Okay." Naeun replied.

Suho just sighed as he went to his seat. The teacher was keeping on eye on Suho while teaching us all. I know that I should feel bad for Suho but I actually feel happy that Suho got a detention. Is it wrong? "Probably yes." I mumbled.


Annyeonghaseyo! This is another updated for 'Love in School' . I was actually lazy while I was making this chapter . I am so sorry , if this chapter isnt that good.

Loves and kisses from your beloved author.

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