Chapter 30 [Final]

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I was pretty up early, and smiled as soon as I saw Suho's message on my phone screen. I giggled then checked it. 
|Good morning, Chorong.<3|

"I will never get use to this." I said, while smiling. I quickly got up from my bed and did my usual routine before going to school. I stood infront of the mirror then started admiring myself. I can't even stop myself from smiling."Oh, I forgot to reply on Suho." I mumbled.

|I am already outside your house.|

|Come out.|

I was like the flash for a second because of how fast I moved from the mirror to the window. I saw Suho standing in front of our house with his bag. I can't help but smile at how handsome he is. I opened the window and shouted his name."You shouldn't have come here." I said.

"I wanted to see you." Suho replied back with his perfect smile. I told him to wait and then run as fast as I can to downstairs. I was too late, my mother already invited Suho inside. He waved his hand at me while sitting with my family on the dining table."Good morning." He greeted.

My mother grabbed my arm and made me sat across Suho."Mom, we need to go." I complained to her. She glared at me causing me to shut my mouth. My eyes landed on Suho, who was admiring the food placed on the table."Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I asked him.

"No." He told me then chuckled." I usually skip breakfast."

"Don't worry. Eat a lot." My mother told Suho with his motherly smile. I glared at my mom as she passed my favorite dish to Suho, without giving me one. Suho noticed and gave me one piece of it."Aigoo, why did you give it to her? You can eat it all." Mother butt in, telling him to stop giving me food.

"Mom!" I shouted at her, pouting.

After having breakfast, we walked side by side with our hands clasped together. I stared at his face and then the question popped in my head."I was wondering, what happened to what you said? I'll wait until prom?"I asked him, puzzled.

"Well, I have my reasons." Suho replied then stopped from his tracks. He faced towards me and grabbed the back of my nape. Without any warning, he pressed his lips on mine. I grabbed on his uniform with my eyes wide as it can ever be. This was a different kiss from yesterday. It was much more passionate and has a lot of movement I can't explain. When his lips left mine, I gasped for air."Was it bad?"He asked me, chuckling.

I shook my head."I wasn't ready!" I yelled at him and started hitting him. He laughed, running away from me. It was true, though. I wasn't ready, if I was ready it could've been more romantic. Well, it's not like this is going to be our last kiss.

[_________time skip__________]

My grip on my phone tightened, enough to probably crush it. My eyes are already swollen from crying. The sound of the rain pouring masked my crying, as I stood in front of  the house where Suho lived. The news I received from this unknown number even made it worse.

"He is gone."

It was not what I expected.

"He died."

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