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kwon rina
seoul, south korea

she shivered in her outfit as she waited for taehyung to arrive. she was wearing a denim jacket with jeans and a t shirt.

  she wasn't good with her fashion. early in he morning, yongsun stopped by her house and helped her pick out a casual outfit. then she left to go on her date with seokjin.

"ah, sorry for being a late," taehyung ran over to her as he tried to catch his breath from running far.

she smiled happily while looking down, "it was only for a minute or so, not a big deal." she was happy to know that she wasn't stood up.

"uh, so what should we do?" she looked down at her shoes, a little nervous to meet his eyes. am i dreaming right now?

taehyung looked nice with his casual wear, she was only used to seeing him wear his school uniform.

"let's just walk around, come on," he grabbed her wrist, forcing her to look up into his eyes. he looked different without his usual glasses and she loved it.

how could someone be this attractive? she laughed internally before sending a big thank you to the big guy up in the skies. she looked like a pile of trash compared to him.

they walked down the park as people passed by jogging, reading their bikes, and playing around. today had nice weather, it wasn't too chilly or too hot.

  they awkwardly brushed hands as they walked side to side. there was no conversation between the two of them, they both felt a little awkward to start a conversation.

  she turned to look up at taehyung but stopped him looking at her, "are you cold?" he asked her with a slight rasp.

  "a little but not much," she lied. she was really cold, the outfit that yongsun helped her pick was not the best. she was wearing a thin pair of pants that were ripped with a shirt and coat.

  without saying any words, taehyung nudged her to stop. she looked at him curiously as he took off his scarf and placed it around her neck. he then proceeded to grab a hot packet out of his pocket.

  "it'll keep you warm, don't want to catch a cold," he said with a smile. the tip of his nose was red and she knew that he was super cold too. she muttered a thanks as they continued to walk.

  "how's school?" he asked her. she laughed bitterly as she remembered her grades.

  "horribly, i can't wait to get out of school," she muttered as he laughed.

  why was he so cute? every part of him just made rina tingle with excitement. she had fallen for him hard.

  "wouldn't school be great? i heard you had a thing for jimin," he said. she hoped inside that he was internally jealous at least like she was when she would see girls flirting with him at school.

  "no, it was my friend yongsun who was fooling around," she said as she watched her small breathe of air.

  he nodded slowly, "oh," he looked at her with a smile and an expression that she couldn't decipher.

  "yongsun right? isn't she dating seokjin sunbae," he asked her, was there a hint of disappointment laced in his voice? she couldn't tell. how did he know her?

  "yeah, they've been dating for a while," she was wondering why the subject had started to slowly revolve around yongsun. was he interested in her? no way, right?

  "oh look, it's rina and taehyung," a voice cried out. speak of the devil. yongsun ran over to them as seokjin laughed and followed behind.

  she watched as taehyung waved as he watched yongsun run over to them. she was dressed nice with a long jacket, jeans, and a blouse with her gucci bag. she looked older and mature, it looked nice on her.

  she grabbed seokjin's hand as he made his way to her. yongsun smiled brightly as she gave her a knowing smile.

  "you guys look nice together, are you dating?" rina obviously knew why she would say something like that. yongsun just wanted to fool around and tease her, she knew they weren't dating.

  taehyung shook his head, "no, she wouldn't date someone like me."

  rina's head perked up as she looked at him with curious eyes. who wouldn't want to date someone like him?

  "why? your a great kid taehyung-ah," yongsun laughed as seokjin nodded along.

  a small nagging tug was pulling at rina's heart. she looked up to see his smile as he watched yongsun speak to seokjin.

  it wasn't just any type of smile. it was the smile that rina would have when she would see taehyung. a small shatter in her heart as she knew that he wasn't interested in her but he was actually interested in yongsun—

and that hurt her

eighteen | jjk | book 1 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now