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jeon jungkook
dealing with a drunk person

       "somewhat questioning why i always have to take you home," i crinkled my nose at the faint smell of smoke coming off of the petite girl next to me. she let out a sigh, moving her face that was currently on my shoulder.

       "did you smoke rina?" there was no point in asking a drunk person anything but i was curious. i stumbled over a small pebble but made sure to keep my grip on her legs stronger so she wouldn't fall off my back.

        rina let out a drunken laugh, "just one, shiro handed me one and then i just drank with them."

       shiro. i couldn't understand why she was trying so hard to comeback, "can you stand up by yourself?" i placed rina down on her feet, one hand holding her while the other held the car key.

— — —

kwon rina
cause i wanted too

it was my first time getting drunk like this. i was enjoying the foreign feeling rioting in my body. i felt myself swaying back and forth as jungkook opened the car door.

"i'm not even your boyfriend yet i have to do stuff like this," jungkook shook his head while a giggle erupted from my mouth, "drunk people."

i stumbled a little as i tried to get into the car. i felt jungkook place his hand on top of my head, tilting it a little so i wouldn't smack my head. he leaned forward, pulling the seatbelt strap and clicking it in.

the entire car ride was filled with random giggles and terrible jokes i got from seokjin. i sighed, feeling way too hot from the heater in the car.

"the sweater is too hot," i whined as i tried to pull on the fabric.

still keeping his eye on the road, jungkook placed one hand on my hands, stopping me from taking off the "sweater." which was actually a shirt but my drunken self obviously couldn't tell the difference.

after the eternity of silence, jungkook finally pulled up to a unknown house. i frowned, "this isn't my house or is it?"

i watched as jungkook exited out of the car, walking up to my side. he opened the door and took off the seatbelt, shaking his head, "if i took you home right now like this, you would probably die from your brothers dumbo."

"i'm not a dumbo coconut head," i hiccuped, "you look like a peeled coconut today."

jungkook snorted, "you look like a drunk person today, wait shit," he panicked as i jumped out of his car, thinking that i injured myself.

i looked up at him, "want to do something fun with me?"

he rolled his eyes, grabbing my wrist and dragging me into his house, "want to do me a favor and just be quiet, do you have an off button?"

i jumped onto the bed and sighed softly. i rolled over onto my stomach looking at him, "not that i know of, i'm sad there was no instruction manual when i came out of the womb."

"come on, change into this."

jungkook lazily threw a white shirt and shorts at my face. i tilted my head down and watched as the clothes fell on my lap. jungkook let out a deep sigh, "do you need help with that too?"

"no, i'm not drunk i can do stuff."

he rolled his eyes and turned around, "you are drunk but i think it'll be very funny to watch yourself struggle, so be my guest and change yourself."

i placed the white shirt over my head and jumped off the bed. hitting a hard surface, if made a small noise while my face was still stuck in the shirt. i let out a disappointed whimper as I heard footsteps coming closer.

"this is the only one time i'll help you out with something like this," i could finally see the bedroom again as the shirt successfully went down.

jungkook handed me my shorts and turned around again. i snorted and stumbled a little as i stood up to wear them.

"done, done, done," i hummed to energetic with happiness.

i fell back onto the bed and watched as jungkook turned around to face me again. he crossed his arms across his chest, his hair falling down in front of his face.

"i'm going to sleep in the living room, you can sleep here."

i sat up and grabbed his wrist, "no stay with me."

jungkook took my hand off his wrist and pushed my forehead back with his finger, "you are super annoying when you are drunk, you know that?"

i laid down on the right and patted to the side next to me, "i'm not drunk."

jungkook sighed deeply and turned off the light. he slipped into the covers next to me, "you keep telling yourself that you aren't drunk."

silence filled the room but it was oddly nice. the only sounds were the soft hum of the heater running in the house as well as the occasional sounds from the water.

"we didn't even brush our teeth or wash," jungkook's eyes widen in realization. he tried to sit back up to go to the bathroom but i nudged him.

"no—," i whimpered, "i'm so lazy now."

jungkook rolled his eyes and laid back down again, "i'm letting this pass only cause you are super drunk."

"i'm not drunk."

"drunk people always say that," jungkook chuckled lowly, "just watch you wake up tomorrow morning with a massive hangover."

my eyes started to fall down a little as sleepiness started devour me. i let them close, not noticing the last few words jungkook had said.

"i only let this pass cause its you."

eighteen | jjk | book 1 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now