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thank you to the silent readers and none silent readers ~ i cri at the fact that people actually enjoy this story :')

warning : mention of abuse + sexual pressure + underage smoking


kwon rina
the little liar

a soft sigh escaped from my mouth. i cringed from the bruises that now appeared after yesterday's anger from taehyung. a shiver ran through my body, remembering his cold eyes and smile.

my phone laid broken on the ground with the several photo frames that also fell during the blow up. i sat up, feeling sore from last night. my clothes laid on the ground, i stood up from the bed. i placed the articles of clothing back on, trying to suppress the feeling from last night. avoiding the pieces of glass on the floor, i managed to leave the room without him noticing.

the huge mirror in the hallway showed the aftermath of the blow up. unwanted hickies marked my neck, i wrapped my arms around me feeling disgusted by the sight. my arms was lined up with bruises while my leg had a few from getting pushed to the ground.

"what am i doing?"

i opened the door into the room again. there he was, sat up on the bed shirtless. a cigarette was lit and placed between his lips. thoughts boggled in my mind as a small part of me begged me to leave. i shook my head mentally, this is just because he's stressed, remember all the good things he did for you?

except there was nothing that came into mind. i ignored that thought, he's good. taehyung's good. he's good. i told myself mentally almost trying to reassure myself. taehyung looked dead inside, his eyes were dark while his hair was all over the place.

"why are you still here?"

he let out a smoky breath, placing the cigarette in his hand. his gaze was sharp as he gestured me with his hand to come over, "come to the photography room tomorrow after school."

        i sat down on the bed, making it dip down. he looked at me intensely, thoughts were running through his mind. he took another smoke before handing it to me, "come on, i'll drop you off."

        i nodded, hesitantly staring down at the stick of cancer. i could feel his gaze as he stood up with his shirt in his hands. he disappeared into the walk in closet and left me in a moral dilemma. i did this last time too.

       just do it, why are you acting like this? do you want him to get mad again? no, no i shouldn't do this. minhyung and jinyoung would be disappointed. no, just do it. it's just a cigarette, come on. he already made about you quitting the diet pills, just do this.

       i nodded, letting myself sink even deeper into a hole i was digging myself into. after taking a deep breathe and letting it out, i placed the cigarette between my lips and smoked it for the second time after the party.

       the car ride felt long and suffocating. i spent at least a few minutes trying to cover the hickies on my neck but i didn't worry about my bruises since they were covered by my jacket and jeans. taehyung looked happy, his hair was neatly done while he was decked out in expensive clothing from head to toe. i opened the door and hopped out. i closed the door watching as he drove off without saying bye.

       "he's probably busy, that's why," i nodded, tugging on my sleeves. the garden in front of my house was finally done nicely. one of the boys or maybe mom must have done it. mom. i tip toed softly, trying to not make a scene. the door opened with no noise and closed it behind me.

eighteen | jjk | book 1 [✓]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt