Chapter 2

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The next morning I got up and got dressed in my usual casual wear. A tank, jean shorts, and of course, my favorite red high-top Chuck Taylors. I race downstairs for breakfast.
"Aria how did you sleep?"

"Like a lamb." I peck her cheek. I grab the toast from out the toaster and begin to make myself a jelly sandwich.

Ding dong!

"I got it." My aunt says rushing towards the door. As she opens it I could hear her gasping loudly and shockingly.
"Hello, Mrs. Tyler is Aria home?"
She turns to face me. "Yes, she's in the kitchen...who are you?"
I quickly get up and walk towards the door. And that's when those same chocolate eyes landed on me with this innocent deadly grin. "Oh, Aria...this young man says he knows you." I sigh, "sadly yes...this is Nick...I go to school with him."
She smiles, "he's handsome." She leans to whisper that inside my ear.
" he's a."-

"Langue...anyways what is it that you want?" Ester addresses the elephant in the room.

His eyes still locked on me he turns to her. "My friends and I wanted to give her a ride to school."

"Wonderful...see you later."

"W-what no I."-
My aunt slowly eases me out the door. "You'll thank me later." She says. I slowly walk beside him to the car.
"Your mom is nice."

"She's not my mom...she's my aunt," I said opening the passenger side. Once I climbed in I noticed it was just the two of us.

"You said."-

"Yeah, I lied...I just wanted the new girl all to myself." I roll my eyes.
"My name isn't, new girl." I  pout.
"Oh, what would you like me to call you?"

He laughs before taking off. "No how about that's too cliché about buttercup?"
I hide my grin with my hand. "You like that don't you?"

"No it's funny...but I guess this means I get to name you now."

He glances over at me. "Daddy would be nice."
I frown, "I'm probably sure someone has already beaten me to that name. Anyways I'm gonna call you Romeo."
He smiles, "why that?" I look at him.
"Ask me in a couple of months or figure it out later."

"Buckle up buttercup." He says noticing I haven't put on my seatbelt.
"Oh, it's kind of you that you care."
He chuckled, "no, I just don't want to get sued if you hurt yourself."
I grimace at him as I put on my seatbelt. "you just had to ruin the moment." I mumble, hoping he didn't hear.

When we arrived at school I hopped out of his car. "Thanks, Romeo."
He nods, "of course buttercup." 
My legs motion into a starting walk until I was stopped by him calling me. "What?" I ask annoyed.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"To school." He hops out and walks beside me.
"Want me to walk you?"-

"No, I'm pretty capable of walking myself." He leans back.
"Come on, I thought we were getting to know each other."
I shrug, "you know what fine. But this doesn't mean I like you."

He smiles, "okay." He rests his arm on my shoulder. "Uh, Nick?"

"Romeo." He corrected me.
"Whatever." I lift his arm up and move it. "Stop hitting on me."

He stops walking for a moment and laughs, "Me, hit on you? You're not even cute that and you're not  my type."

"Yo Nick."
Nick nods and waves in the way that boys do. "I see you got a new one."
I look back at the dude. "Never! No!" I walk off.
As soon as I entered the building I walked to my locker.

"Hey, Aria." I turn to face Vanessa. "Hey...Vanessa." I said.
"I heard Nick drove you to school."
I nod, "he did...and nothing happened." I said. "Yeah well be careful news travels around fast."

She sighs, "I love Nick but he can be an ass and."-

"I don't like him...I mean he's...I don't need to explain myself to you." I snap.
"Hey! I'm just trying to help."

During lunch, I decided not to sit by Vanessa and her boyfriend despite her asking me to. "What's wrong with her?" Jake asks Vanessa. "She got upset at me for assuming she liked Nick. Which I know she does." She pouts.
"You don't know that." Jake pulls her in for a hug.
"I know. He's going to hurt her." 
Nick sits down across from them.
"Where's Buttercup?" Nick asks grabbing Vanessa's Apple from off her tray.

"Who?" Vanessa asks as she watches him take a bite. "New girl." He says confidently.

"She's angry with me."

"Why, who could ever be mad at you?" He asks.
"I told her that she likes you." 

"Does she?" Nick asks.
"She's not your wing-woman anymore Nick."

Nick sighs, "she's my cousin. She always helps me." Nick takes another bite.
"But not with this one...I want her to be my friend."

Nick sets the apple down. "Wait...I just wanna go back on the nickname you gave her...why buttercup?"

Jake asks confused. "She reminds me of that cartoon girl. Tuff, mean, and somewhat sarcastic."

He turns to look back at me. "I'll go talk to her if you want me to." 

"No! Don't...and he's going anyways."
I heavily and depressingly sigh as someone sits across from me.
"Hello, sunshine." He smiles.
"What?" I ask.

"You okay?" I nod.
"Vanessa says you're mad at her."

"No...I'm just tired of looking at you." I snarl. "Well at least I know you're back...cuz I need a new wing girl since my cousin is too busy being a girlfriend."

He yells obviously so that she can hear him. "Vanessa is your cousin?"
He nods, "yup...she is...but enough about me. What about you?"

I drop my fork, "well I'm Aria Tyler."-

"I know that I mean like where are you from?"

"New Jersey."

"How many boyfriends?" I cough, "why?"

"Just curious."

I sigh, "none...I don't believe in love." I said before the bell had rung for us to leave.

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