Chapter 21

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I was no longer grounded by now and boredom seemed to be my only friend. 'Close.'

What does he want? I hate when he tries to talk to me when I'm upset at him.

Aria- Nick

Nick- come on you're still upset?

Aria- yes you shouldn't decide who I can and can not talk to if you were that upset then you should've asked me

Nick- I didn't have a say! You automatically assumed I wanted to

Aria- oh so now it's my fault

"Aria who are you yelling at?" Ester asks.

Aria- this asshole

Nick- so now I'm an asshole?

Aria- yes! Because...

Nick- Aria I like you

Aria- didn't seem like it

I walk towards the window. "Aria calm down."

Nick- that was one time

Aria- to many

Nick- I secretly think you like arguing with me

Aria- so do you... You just make me so mad

Nick- okay then don't talk to me

Aria- that's not what I want

Nick- then what do you want?

Aria- I want you, Nick, I want my Romeo but I can't have that if he still wants options

Nick- what if I don't want that...options

Aria- then you go to what you want

Nick- okay

Aria- okay

Nick- I'm there, I'm at where I want to be  goodbye Aria

Aria- goodbye Nick

I spent about the past two weeks before break doing homework and getting situated to go out of town for a break. And when I say out of town I mean hanging out with the Lockwood's, talk about awkward.

"So you ready?"
I nod, "you still haven't opened that?" I shake my head.

"Why not?"
I shrug, "we...can't get along."

She smiles, "you two will be together soon." I roll my eyes.

"Can you guys not ship us while we're on vacation?"

She laughs. " let's go."

When we arrived at the cabin I stopped to take in and capture this beautiful wooden cabin, crafted with the best wood which was beech.

"Welcome!" Mrs. Lockwood says.

"Hi." Mrs. Lockwood rushes for a group hug.

"Okay so the kid's cabins are down on that side and we're here." Ester looks around.

"Yea we have more guests. I should call Nick too."-

"No, I'm fine...I'll find my room," I said quickly walking to my side.
"How is she?" Mrs. Lockwood asks. "She's fine...and I would like for you not to talk about them in front of her...we kind of made a deal." Mrs. Lockwood nods.

When I found my room, which was right across from his. Very clever Mrs. Lockwood. I accidentally dropped my suitcase.
"Need some help?"
I ignore the familiar voice. "Excuse me, Miss." I slowly lookup. "Oh, I'm sorry I thought you were Nick." He grins, "no I'm his cousin Dean." He says picking up my suitcase.


"Aria? My aunt was just talking about you."
That's not creepy at all. "I'm kidding your name is on the door."

I laugh awkwardly. "Oh right." I open the door to a huge room with a walk-in closet and bathroom. Dean sets my suitcase onto the floor near the door.
"So I'm wondering how a girl like you got caught up with my aunt?" I laugh, "we go to the same church together, that and I go to school with Nick."

He nods, "you talk of him as if you resist him."
I sigh, "I don't...I actually."-

"Like him? You're just like every other girl...except the getting to know the family thing and being brought home." I laugh.
"I'm not just any other girl."

He laughs, "so you're special?"

I nod, "oh great you're one of those girls."
I shrug, "what are we not good enough for you? You should want someone who likes you for you and cares about you and."-

"Dean we're going out to get firewood...oh hey Aria."
I wave. "Hi, Nick."
He looks at both of us. "My cousin...really?"

"Excuse me we were just having a conversation! And we're not together you made that very clear." I snapped.
"Okay, I'm."-

"No you stay he can go! He's being an ass for no reason."
Nick laughs, "you happened to like this asshole!"

"I don't know why!" I yell.

"Oh, I know because no one else would." I frown, "I hate you!"

"Okay, guys!" Dean steps in between us.
"Nick let's go you two obviously have issues."

Afterward, I sat outside in a chair enjoying nature and all its glory.

"Hello, stranger."
Ivy bows.
"Ivy, hey." She sits down beside me. "You okay?" She asks. I nod, "no you're not, is it, Nick?"

I shrug, "nah we argue all the time. It's nothing new." She laughs.
"Well then that means he cares...and stay away from Dean."

I look at her. "Why?" I ask.
"Nick hates him more than me. And when I mean hate."
I nod, "why?"
She gets up as Nick approaches us. "Why don't you ask him yourself." She walks into the cabin. I stand in Nick's way.

"Get out of my way." He snaps.

"Can we talk?" He shakes his head. "No, go talk to Dean."

"Are you jealous?" I ask. "No, you can do whatever you want."

I sigh, "fine then you won't mind me doing this?" He turns to watch me walk up to Dean. I twirl my hair.

"Hey, you wanna hang out?" Dean looks at Nick and then back at me.

I smile, "great." I walk off with Dean. "Why did you do that?"

"Not now Ivy."

"Yes! If you let her walk away you'll never be happy!"

"What like you?! Lonely and a disappointment?" Ivy slaps him.
"You're a fucking asshole." She walks off.
"So I've been told," Nick says.

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