Chapter 20

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As I sat in the hall I took out a bag of starbursts and started to separate the Reds from my bag.
"What are you doing?" He asks before pecking my forehead.
"Oh, I hate the red kind of starburst so I'm taking them out."
He nods.
"you want em?"
Quickly he nods. "Thanks, babe." He smiles as he takes the red ones.
"I find it strange how red is one of your favorite colors but you hate red starburst." He jokes.

"Because they have a nasty after taste don't judge me."

He pecks my lips with a smile as he pulls back. He pinches my cheek. "Stop."
He pops in a red starburst. "Or what?" I tilt my head.

"You really wanna know?" He nods.

"I'll bite you." He laughs, "I'll bite you right back."
I bite my finger seductively waiting for his reaction, "try it."
He leans towards my neck and bites down on it.
"'re gonna get me caught." I giggle as he begins to suck on it.

"Nick!" I pat his back. He pulls away from me.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." I tuck my bang behind my ear before looking around.
"No one comes down this hall babe you're fine." He says grabbing my hand.

"No I know I just don't want you to get caught up." He crosses his arms.
"Yeah okay...or you're just scared of what you might do to me." He says licking his lips.

"Oh shut up." I lean in for a kiss. "You're an asshole."
He takes another starburst, a red one, and pops it in my mouth.
"Romeo!" I yell.

"Shh." He covers my mouth and I lick it immediately. Laughing at his reaction I stick my tongue out at him.

He wipes his hand into my cheek and I wrap my arms around his neck and peck his cheek multiple times. "So what are we doing tonight?" I asked.

I shrug, "or we can not watch the movie?"

He laughs surprised by my reply, "and you can contain yourself."
I snicker, "I can I'll show you...that I can."
He laughs, "okay then I guess it's a bet. Whoever gives in first."-

"If you lose I get to post an embarrassing picture of you."

He nods, "that's fair, but if you know what I'll save that too when you lose."
I kiss him. "Let the games begin." The bell rang signaling for us to go to class.
"Bye, Romeo."
He saluted me as he walks backward for a second, long enough to linger his eyes on me.

After school, I sat down on the gym bleacher. Why well because it's raining outside and cheerleading practice is now inside. That and football season is over now. Nick purposely talks to Sara. Hot, boiled, and ready to pounce-forget I said that, sounds just weird.
"Man it's getting hot in here. Are you hot?" He asks Sara, his shirt lifted over his head, and takes it off before turning his attention to me. "No...but if you are you."-

I couldn't help but look like the muscular, nicely bolder abs pop out so perfectly. He winks at her.

"Okay," I mumble.

"What's going on?" Vanessa asks.

"Nick and I are having a bet right now to see whoever can control themselves." She nods, "bad idea, Nick's gonna win."
I frown at her for she has no faith in me. She might be right but still.

"What? It's a basic fact if you ask me, you got turned on by him first, you told how you felt first so all the."-

"And she's not listening." Vanessa follows behind me as I walk over to them.

"Are we gonna start practice or what?"

She nods suspicious of my eagerness but brushes it off.
"Move along Magic Mike," Sara says as she shoo's him.

"Okay, ladies let's show them how it's done." She demonstrated a complex routine that I'm pretty sure I know half of it but I'll get it. "Alright let's see what you guys have...five six seven eight."

Sara turns on the music: Spin, two-step, shimmy turn backflip, ballet death drop, twerk.

Sara noticed Nick starring at me and stopped the music. "All wrong. Try again."

After practice, I sorely walk to Nick's car. He laughs.
"It's not funny. My body hurts."

He turns me around and hugs me. "You are so losing, and next time you start shaking your little ass again, I'll get you."
I laugh, "take your shirt off and I'm gonna get you."

He laughs, "are you jealous?" He asks.
"Nah, I'm good oh and I have to say one of your buddies asked me out today."

I pull away and climb into the car. "Who?"

I shrug, "I didn't ask."
He frowns, "God I hate you." He chuckles.

"No, you don't."
He nods as he climbs into the car. "You're right." Nick takes me home shortly after.
"Thanks for the ride." I lean over and peck his cheek.
"See you tomorrow." I wave at him goodbye.
"I hate to see you go."
I roll my eyes. "Bye Nick."-

"Romeo." I laugh as he corrects me.

"Well, I'm sorry bye Romeo."

He sighs, "buttercup Romeo is getting old. How about daddy." I frown. "Never will I call you that Nicolas." He sighs, "fine...then be like that."

The next day I was standing by my locker talking to a guy casually until Nick came along. "Hey Trent, Aria."

I turn to him, "hi."

"What's going on?"
I shrug, "I was just about to ask her."-
Nick gives him a look. The look catches Trent off guard and startles him and he fumbles with his sentence.

"About a school assignment."
Nick nods. "Yeah well, I'll see you later." I watch as he scurried away.

"Nick, why did he just run off?"
He shrugs, "I don't know."
I cross my arms. "Nick."

"Fine, I told him not to talk to you because I claimed you."

I slam my locker, "I am not some prize or possession. And how would you like it if I ruined your little."- I take a deep breath as I was considering my next few words.

"Know what I don't care. You do you and I'll do me." I said storming off.

At lunch, I sat as far away as possible from Nick. "You're in the lunchroom? Something must be up." I shake my head.
"Nah I heard we were having burgers so I'm here."

"That's buttercup a sucker for burgers," Nick says walking past. I roll my eyes.
"She's rolling her eyes, what did you do now?" Jake asks, "I ruined her fun."
I sigh, "but aren't you two like together?"
We both laugh, "no...maybe." We answer in unison.
I frown, "bye guys." I said grabbing my plate and walking off into the hallway.

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