Chapter 28

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In fact, I did go inside for a while but I ended up going to the diner to write. But I couldn't because I was too sad maybe depressed. So I sat there quietly slumped, thinking about my life. I wiped my eyes blocking the tears from coming out.

"Hey, Jake isn't that girl that used to hang out with Vanessa?" His father asks him. "Y-yeah...why?"

"Well, she's been sitting there for an hour and hasn't even ordered anything." Jake's brother adds. 

"Fine, I'll go talk to her." Jake pulls off his apron and heads over but Mr. Carson stops him.

"Give her this." He says handing him a milkshake. "I'm."-

"Just do it son." Blankly I stared at the red leather of the booth and thought until I heard a glass being settled down onto the table.

 "Ahem." I quickly snap out of my trance and lookup--gazing upon Jake. "Oh...I didn't order this." He nods. "I know I just thought you might have needed it."

I smile, " I'm guessing you heard?" He heavily sighs and sits down. "No but I bet you're gonna tell me." He says annoyed but sarcastically plays it off. 

"Oh no you don't have to listen if you don't want to. It's nothing." I tuck my bang behind my ear. He corners his eyes towards my wrist. 

"I see you've stopped cutting them." I nod, "I got tired of cleaning the blood."

I pull the milkshake towards me and took a sip.

 "Mhm, this is good. You want some?" He shakes his head. " I'm good."

"Well okay, more for me." I sighed.

 "What now?" He leans in.

 "Why are you being so nice is it pity?" I ask. 

"Or maybe I just have a heart." I smirk, "Hey, so the student has become the teacher." He shrugs before my smile quickly faded. Jake's  gaze lands onto my notebook trying to come up with something to say. "Uh I see you write in that... What are you writing about?" I turn to the book. "My're in it Vanessa's in it, everyone's in it." I slide it towards him. 

"You can read it or keep it...I don't need it anymore...I've finished that life story already." I lie to myself, the truth is that story, that life is never really finished. 

"Okay, we'll be sure to mention me in your acceptance speech." I chuckle, "I won't, and thanks." I said. "For what?" He asks. "Not hurting you?" I shake my head. "No, for listening and showing me you're not a monster."

I finish the milkshake I leave a tip as I stand. He stands in front of me. "Aria."


"Be safe." I laugh, "is Jackson Carson caring about me?" He shakes his head. "Good I have enough pity in my life as it is and I wouldn't want someone I hate to be in the mix." 

He smirks, "you secretly....just go you're making my head hurt." I wrap my arms around him. At first, he was shocked and confused but he took my hug. It was strange, I'll admit but his hugs just seemed different, not that we actually had any contact before but it just felt right.

"Okay bye." I walk off.

The next few days went by quick. "Aria."

"Vanessa?" I turn to her. "I wanted to say sorry for what I did...I know I was being petty."

"Is that you talking or Sara?" I ask suspiciously.

 "Me...I miss my friend and I'm gonna need a co-captain if you still want to do it?" I sigh, "on one condition."

"Please tell me you don't want me to beg." 

I shake my head with a laugh. "No...I want you to dump that loser of a boyfriend you have and get back with Jake, I know that he isn't perfect and that thing with his mom but, he loves you and you love him. And that kind of love never dies."

She grimaces at me. "Wait why would still try to help him? You two hate each other." I nod "but this is all a part of forgiveness I forgave him and myself so now I wish for you two to be happy, like you two used to be." She nods, "deal." She hugs me.

At lunch I sat from afar watching as the two began to have a conversation. "Hey." She says. "I heard you and Aria were talking again."

 She nods, "She needs me as much as I need her." 

She sits, "that, and she also wants us to get back together." Jake laughs. "She says she's forgiven you."

 Jake sighs, "she has a problem and she won't admit it. So she tries to hide it by focusing on us." 

She nods, "but all Aria aside I do miss you." She gently punches his shoulder. "And I still love you." She says. "I love you more." He smiles. "I know."

I was smiling until I  suddenly stopped and this undesirable feeling, this sensational feeling to ruin it came over was weird. Was it loneliness or was it...something else?

"Well look who's back together." Sara sits down across from me. "Why do you keep popping up in my time of misery?" 

She shrugs. "Maybe I love the torture. Want some fried chicken I know your kind loves that." I laugh, "very funny what."-

"Oh my god, you cut yourself." I nod, "yeah this is what happens when you get traumatized and when you're depressed." 

She holds her head up high. "It was just a game." 

I roll my eyes. "A game that is playing with my life." She shrugs, "so what? Move on you just want attention."

"And you don't? You're just as bad of a narcissist as I once used to be." I said. 

"Ha that's funny, I would never want to be you, you're to pathetic to be me."

"You're to pathetic to be me." I snarl while mocking her. "Stop!"

"Stop." I raise an eyebrow. I jump as she tosses my tray onto me. I raise my fist ready to punch her. 

"Go ahead and do it you're already the villain in your own story." 

She defensively snaps. I nod with a smile, "right and I so can't wait to mop that pretty little blond girl face onto the school's floor. And I know I just talk but at least my threats are effective. Have fun while it lasts." I walk off.

"Hey! What the hell did you say to her?" Vanessa asks. "Nothing bad...wait why do you care?" Vanessa turns her cheek to her. 

"Wait you're friends again? Oh how cute. And so nice of you, always helping out the needy." Vanessa frowns. 

"You're...she's pregnant six months let's go V," Vanessa says calming herself down before leaving.

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