Chapter 13

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It was homecoming day and it was way too early in the morning for me to be all excited, not after what happened on Wednesday. I kick my leg up high in the air and then hit a spin. We're playing against Mackenzie High, the school Derek goes to. That really didn't make it any better. Before the game started Derek who plays football was approached by Nick who of course is very curious.
"Hey, how are you and Aria?"
Derek laughs, "she didn't tell you?"

Nick shakes his head. "Tell me what?" Confused and desperate he crosses his arms.
"I dumped her...she got a bit boring so I dumped her." Derek laughs.
"Oh cool, thanks for the favor bro."
Derek nods, "yup."

As I was catching a break I got a text from Nick.
'Meet me in the parking lot.' I ignored his text, 'now!'

I look around to make sure no one would notice me leaving.
"Aria you going somewhere?" Vanessa asks. "Yeah, I'll be back later." I race off smoothly, trying not to be seen.

As I enter the empty parking lot I stop and stare at him. "What do you want?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" He says walking towards me.
"Tell you what?" Nick crosses his arms. "About Derek."
I laugh, "we're not friends at the moment so I didn't think I had to!" I yelled.
"Why didn't you do anything?"
I roll my eyes. "Are you blaming me for this breakup that Wasnt even a real relationship?"
He nods, "yes, you pushed him away... And he already thinks you're crazy."

I look away, "I."-

"You should've been yourself!" He interrupts.

"Don't yell at me it's not my fault he couldn't handle me!" I yell while gripping my hands into fists. "You know what? I don't even know why I'm talking to you!" I turn to leave but he grabs me. I begin to panic, "don't touch me!" He pulls me in as I begin to fight him he just ignores me and smiles, "buttercup...I'm not going to hurt you."
I slowly calm down and look into his eyes.      "I gotta go....they need me." I walk off.

While the game went on it was down to the fourth quarter. Nick is in starting defense position. He was facing Derek intensely staring daggers into his body.
"Aria looks hot in her cheer uniform...I should probably hit that up later."
Nick growls as he tries to block out Derek's tactics.
"I bet she's easy to." Derek is the receiver for his team so as Derek was running to catch the ball Nick snuck up on Derek and tackled him before he could catch the ball. And that's when both of the two started brawling like two boxers in the ring. Jake and the rest of the team had to separate the two.

"Just for that I'm most definitely am going to enjoy hearing her say my name," Derek smirks.

"Nick! Locker room Now!" His coach yelled and he tosses his helmet to the ground and heads to the back.

"babe you."-

"Not now!"

Nick yells at Sara who stands in his way. "But I."-

"I said not now, get out of my way!" He yells, "Nick calm down I'm just trying."-

"To what? Ruin my life? You know what I'm sick of you."-

"Nick, w-what are you saying?" Sara asks.
"I'm saying that I'm breaking up with you." Nick's neck vane pops out as he says that with the uttermost aggression.
" you can't break up with me! I'm breaking up with you!" She screams, making a scene I walk into the back. Sauntering into the room slowly peeping through the aisles I find Nick in his uniform, sweaty and upset he punches his locker and then sits down.
"Oh wow." He turns to get a good glimpse at me before focusing his attention on the floor. "Go away." Make my way by him and sit down.

He sighs, "you know you've turned my world upside down."
I laugh, "you've done the same to me." I said nodding slowly acknowledging what's happened so far.

"Why are you here don't you hate me?"
I look at him, before I knew it I was smiling, "I can never hate you's hard...and I guess I was only upset because I'm petty."

He smirks as if I didn't notice.
"Oh look I'm a good best friend I make you smile...a bit."
He finally looks at me. "Are you hitting on me?" He asks teasing me.
"No, you're not my type."
He bites his lip, "but you like me?"
I shrug, "maybe I lied."

"oh really?" He asks leaning in. "Really."
I stand, "okay now that you're calm you can go play again."

He stands, "thanks buttercup."
I smile, "you're welcome."
He sighs, "can I get a quick good luck kiss?" Nick asks pointing at his cheek. I shake my head. "No."

I start to walk off, "come on you know you want this."
I roll my eyes before I flinched as his hand patted my ass. "Nick." I turn and hit him.
"What you had a little something on your butt so I wiped it off."

After the game happened I was walking alone in the parking lot until he ran up to me duffel bag in hand, smiling so brightly he rests his arm onto my shoulder.
"How's my best friend?"
I shrug, "we won so I'm fine." I rub my arms. "You want a ride?"
I shake my head.

"It's cold out let me take you home." I sigh, "fine."
He pulls me in. "Hey, you going to homecoming?"
I nod, "then I guess I'll be picking you up tonight."
I stop walking. "Isn't that going to be awkward?" I ask.
"Not if you make it awkward. Which you did kind of make it awkward."
I cross my arms. "What it's true." We stop as we reach his car. He puts his duffel bag in the back seat.

I climb in and he takes off. The car ride home wasn't so awkward. But I find it weird how after he broke things off with Sara he insisted on taking me home. Which is fine by me. He pulls up to my house smoothly and then parks the car.
"So I'll see you tonight."
I nod, "oh and I almost forgot. I hope you win homecoming king." He nods.

The Opposite Of YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon