Chapter 19

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Nick and I laugh as we climb out of the car.
"This was fun," I said.

"Where have you two been? And you stole my car?!" Ester questions us almost in a panic.

"Sorry, we just didn't want everyone watching us."
She sighs, " least you're safe." Nick hands Ester her keys.

"Sorry." He says sincerely.
It's fine I'm just happy you're safe." She smiles, "but you're doing chores for the rest of the week."
I heavily sigh. "Okay."

She goes back into the house and I begin to laugh. He picks me up for a hug. Motioning my eyes towards his I lean for a kiss. He slowly sets me down.

"Sorry I shouldn't have."- I turn away but he pulls me back and kisses me.
"I want you to." His forehead plants onto mines.
"But let's keep this between us."

He nods, "yeah...okay buttercup." We enter the house side by side.
"So you two are good now?"
I shrug. "Eh... He's alright." I said.

After that, we mostly spent the rest of the break talking and getting to the defining stage.

Aria- hey

Nick- buttercup

Aria- I'm bored

Nick- so go do something

Aria- I don't want to

Nick- then I guess you'll just be bored

Aria- no I have you to entertain me

Nick- don't, you should be entertaining me

Aria- how sexiest of you

Nick- right back at cha

Aria- I feel like you want to get hit

Nick- do I?

Aria- yes, you do

Nick- okay I'll be right there

Aria- no you won't

Nick- come outside buttercup

I get out of bed and go outside. "So what were you saying?" I laugh as he chases after me. "No...Nick."

"That's not my name."
I dodge his attack. When I least expected it he grabbed me from behind and spun me around. "What the hell is this?" Nick drops me.

"Ouch." I rub my head as the grass grazes my face slightly before I sit up.

"Sara." He says jaw slightly dropped like a deer in headlights.

"Are you two having fun...ha, no are you two  dating?"

I look up at him anticipating his answer. Hoping he'd say yes and then playing it cool facade would fade away.

He drops his head as he can feel the disappointment burning from off of me. I let it go in this moment because I rather not show out in this situation. You know, be the bigger person.

"So you're just cool?" Sara asked curiously.

He shakes his head. " mom makes me nice to her."

She nods, "oh good see you upstairs then?" I turn to look at him.

"Uh, actually I have somewhere to I'm gonna go."
She nods before returning to her house. "Seriously?"
He looks down at me. "What? I'm sorry."
I shake my head. "No it's fine I should've known you'd still be in love with her." I spat annoyed and frustrated.

"No...I'm not I just was playing the part."
I roll my eyes.
"Aria! Buttercup...I'm sorry...Aria."

I slam the door in his face. "I hate when she does this." He mumbles.

When school resumed it was awkward because we had to sit by each other and I couldn't stand him.
"Okay, I thought we were all cool now," Vanessa says.

"Oh, we are I just don't feel like talking at the moment." I cross my arms.

Because she's being petty."
I roll my eyes. "Maybe I wouldn't have to if someone would've been honest with me."

"Maybe he was and maybe he was protecting you."
I cross my arms. "Are we talking about Derek?"

"No!" Nick and I both yell at Vanessa.
"Okay...I'll stay out of it." She raised her hands in defeat.

"Yea you should let them solve this on their own," Jake says patting her arm.
"Okay." She says.
"Don't you hate when people say they care and then they toss you away when someone they used to talk to comes back?"

"Maybe he said he never did."
All eyes were on me in the heat of his sentence.

"Well, then he can go back to her." I get up and walk away.

"Can you believe her?"

Jake shrugs, ""

With my book in my hand and my bookbag on my back, I make my way down the hall.
"Aria...can we talk?"
I roll my eyes. "No, you're being an ass." He stops me.
"I am sorry." Gently he grabs me and pulls me in.

"I'm not one of your girls Nick," I said.
"At least let me take you home."

"No! Vanessa is taking me you."
He sighs, "buttercup."

Vanessa and I end up going to the town's famous diner to eat.
"You okay?"
I shrug, "that mentioned earlier today was it, Nick?" I nod, "he loved her."
Vanessa laughed, "no she just did something right."
I laughed at Vanessa.
"What's funny?" Sara says as she enters the diner. Vanessa rolls her eyes.
"Hi, Sara," I say annoyed.
"Nothing,"  Vanessa says answering her question from earlier.
Sara sits down next to me. "Why are you here?" I ask, "I'm bored and I don't have any friends."-

"I can see why," I mumble.

"I'm gonna ignore that but anyways I want to be friends."

I laugh, "after what you did to me hell no." I spat very bluntly.
"I know and I'm sorry...I guess I was a little jealous." I roll my eyes.
"Why? You practically have him wrapped around your fingers."
She nods, "that's true but...I can't get him to come back. He keeps talking about this mystery girl and it's upsetting."

You know in the movies when you realize you like a person and you might have ruined it but you want to fix it anyway, this is that moment.

"Excuse me Sara I have to go home." Vanessa frowns.

"I have homework."
Sara slides out to let me through. As I race out to go home.

When I arrive I notice Nick approaching the door. "Nick?" He stops and turns around. "Aria...I was just."-
"Looking to find me? Well, I was looking for you too."
He smiles, "so I'm guessing you're no longer upset?"
I nod, "a little but I'll get over it because I want to be with you...public or not...but."-


I laugh, "I'm's really simple you can be free to talk to whoever you want but at the end of the day whatever you want to do to them you do to me."
He discreetly looks at me as if I'm testing him. "Are you sure? I mean."-

"I mean of course I'll be jealous but I'm not gonna stop you from being you." He meets me halfway. I press my lips up against his gently giving him space for him to take control. He creases my cheek, "okay, it's a deal."

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