Chapter 23

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Vanessa- so you two did it? Man I wish I was there I'm too busy trying to make Jake's family love me

Aria- it was amazing but I totes miss you

Vanessa- I love your sarcasm

Aria- I try my best

Vanessa- so are you official now?

Aria- I hope so cause...I did but it's whatever my aunt is taking me out to go celebrate my mom's birthday

Vanessa- awe where?

Aria- the bridge

Vanessa- but they didn't die here

Aria- she knows it's just convent...oh here she is now bye

Vanessa- bye

I get up grab my jacket and head out. "Hey Ester, Aria."
Nick winks as he walks past us.
"So you two are talking again?"
I nodded at her with a sheepish smile.
"I don't understand you two. Are you ready?"

I nod, "yes."

We stand on the bridge cold and bothered.
"Do you have anything to say?"
I nod, "I miss you, and dad. I really need you guys."
Ester hugs me tightly comforting me in my time in need.
"I've made friends, real ones I think." She looks at me. "That's it?" I nod, "yup." She sighs.
"Okay let's go." I mean there was nothing I could say.

When we got back we all were kept warm by the fire or in the kitchen where I was eating carrots and thinking about everything.
"Excuse me," Nick says gently placing his hands on my hips.
"Nick." I flirtatiously smile.
"Get a room," Dean says.
"Get a toy."
Ivy and Nick laugh.
"Bitch." He mumbles.


"Finish that and I'll punch you." Dean flinches as Nick shows his fist.
"Oh, I forgot to ask how was the whole bridge thing?"

"So your family is into bridges now how sad," Dean says sarcastically.
"No, actually my parents died on a bridge...I was in the car."

"Oh wow, that's sad," Dean says. I take the empty bowl and toss it at his head.
"Bitch." He grabs my carrots and tosses them at me.
"Hey! You're wasting food!" I toss a carrot at Dean before walking over to him and punching him in the face.
"Go buy me some more you asshole!"
Ivy claps.

"damn I like her," Dean says as I walk off.
"Yeah well, she's mines. So back off you prick." Nick follows after me.
"Wanna go ice skating?"

"Why? I'm not ten anymore Ivy."

"They're about to have sex."

"Ooh, I wanna watch." Ivy grimaced at him. "Eww gross come in before I regret asking you."

Meanwhile, I was stripping myself of my clothing.
"Oh, you've gotten ready for me." He says surprised.
"Yeah well, I don't want to think." He sighs, "it's about earlier?"
I shrug, "I just don't want to confront it now. I'm not ready." I rest my hands onto his shoulders.

"Well you're gonna have to sooner or later." I nod, "but now I just want you and this moment."
He grins, "you give a girl some and she can't get enough." I roll my eyes.
", bra or no bra?" I ask, he motions his hands behind my back and unhooked my bra.
"Well then."-

I giggle as he picks me up just to put me onto the bed.

An hour past and when Ivy and Dean returned the kitchen was clean. We sat on the couch watching Netflix. "Did you have sex on the couch?"

"No that's disgusting. We're not animals." Ivy nods, "yeah okay." 
Nick pecks my cheek. "So what happens when you two go back to school?" She asks.
"We'll still be together." He says. "He's just saying that cuz I'm here." Dean mocks what I say.
"Hey, where's a bowl?"

When school resumed we still were together.
"Hey, Aria."  A nervous Jake says approaching me. I didn't even realize that, was him.
"Hey, Ro."- I pause as I turn to him.
"Jake oh what's up?"
He shrugs, "it didn't go so well during break and."-
I nod, "I got want me to talk to her?"
He nods. "It's only fair cuz I kind of got you and Nick back together."
I roll my eyes, "after the fact that you helped ruined it and you hurt me."
He grits his teeth. "You're not gonna let that one go are you?"
I shake my head. "I may hate you but Vanessa's like my main chick so I'll see what I can do. I'll even exaggerate if you want me to."
He sighs as my last bit was not amusing to him.
"Or not...god lighten up. This is the love of your life and."- I paused. "Sorry...I got carried away." I walk away to go find Vanessa. While I was walking I squealed as I felt myself being pulled into a dark room. "Who the."-

I frowned as my hand was caught in mid-swing.
"It's me." Nick turns on the lights.
"Oh thank god it's you." I pound my free hand onto his chest. "Do that again and I'll ruin you!" Nick brushes my hair back and lets go of me.

"Nick I have to go...I'm trying to get Vanessa and."- I giggle as his lips press up against my neck.

"I'm serious I."-

"It can wait."
I cup his face. "I'm serious."
His hands lower down to my ass.
He pecks my lips. "Yeah, that's not gonna work anymore."
I roll my eyes. "You're such a bad influence," I said before kissing him.

At lunch, I was at my locker finding my history book when suddenly my locker slammed in my face.
"Hey!" I yell as I'm caught off guard.
"You didn't talk to her."
I sigh, "see I was and then this guy came along and I."-

"You're so selfish."
I nod, "and you're not? You threw me under the bus just to get your girlfriend back."

"Yeah and then I fixed it!" I roll my eyes. "This is why we don't get along. You blame me instead of yourself! The self-projection is real." I said defensively.

"You're a waste of time."
I roll my eyes again, "I'd say the same to you but you've already gotten that hint." Jake's fist collides with the locker.
"You have serious anger issues it's scary!" I yell flinching. Slowly Jake steps back. "Sorry."

"No stay away from me," I said before storming off.

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