Chapter 10

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I walked out of the shop with a large bag. Dialed Nick's number,

Nick- hey you all done?

Aria- yes, where are you?

Nick- what did you get?

Aria- a short dress

Nick- what store are you in?

Aria- I was in Rue21

Nick- oh well I would've bought you the dress

Aria- no I'm fine, you don't have to

Nick- okay by the way what type of music do you like?

Aria- pop, hip-hop the whole mixture is fine why?

Nick- no reason just asking because I was planning on playing music in the car

Aria- oh cool

Nick- by the way, can you hurry up this crazy chick keeps trying to talk to me

Aria- oh that's not good where are you?

Nick- food court

Aria- be there in a minute

I hang up and search for the food court until I finally find it. I spot Nick ignoring this blonde girl's desperate attempt to get his attention. She wasn't bad looking or ugly she was just the clingy type. I fix my hair and strut over towards Nick.
"Babe! Who the hell is this?" I snap, with my bag in hand.
"Excuse me?" She asks as I set my bag onto the table, "y-your girlfriend is black?"
I frown before sitting in his lap. "Yup and do we have a problem?" I ask resting my chin onto the palm of my hand.

"Aha! No, go...before I beat your ass. No one talks to my man ever!" I growl.
"Okay fine." She gets up and leaves.
"Thanks, buttercup." I could feel the sweet sensation building inside of me as I sat in his lap. I suddenly got up remembering where I stand and I grab my bag.
"you're ready to go?"
He nods, "yup...we're gonna go to your place so you can get dressed and then head to my place.

So he did, I got dressed and we headed to his house.

As soon as he pulled up to the lot I noticed there wasn't any music. "Hey...I don't hear any this a prank?"
He shakes his head. I climb out of the car and we walk into the house.
I jump as I hear the crowd of people yells. "Happy birthday." I smile awkwardly.
"And every birthday girl deserves a crown." I turn to face Nick who hovers a crown over my head before putting it on top of my head. "Oh...thank you guys....really." My voice almost cracks as the excitement becomes overwhelming.
"You should be thanking Vanessa she planned this," Jake says.
"Thanks, girl." I wrap my arms around her for a hug. "And you, you lied to me." I hit Nick.
"You never would've come if you knew and just look...You're a princess...and I see that your prince waiting over there." He points at Derek. I walk over towards him.
"How long are you gonna keep lying to her?" Vanessa asks.
"She's happy, look at her." Nick points out.
"Not the right kind of happy." The music starts to play.
"Hey, Derek."
He hugs me. "Happy birthday." He pecks my cheek.
"Thank you." He pulls out some flowers from behind his back.

"Oh...thank you...roses." I smile and set them down. "Wanna dance?" I nod and he guides me onto the middle of the floor and we start dancing. He pulls me in close. Hips swaying with the music ignoring my surroundings. I raise my arms and wave them with the beat. Derek smiles at me before leaning in for a kiss. "Buttercup."
My head turns, slightly as I try to show him my tears. "Aria are you okay?" I rub my head as everything begins to spin around and the noises grow even louder. I start gasping for air.
I shake my head. "Aria's me."

"No!" I scream before rushing outside. Derek walks over towards Nick.
"Nick I can't keep doing this...this girl is nuts."-
"Where is she?"
Derek directs Nick's attention outside.
"Nick don't go." Sara pleads.
"I-I'll be right back." He pats her shoulder and makes his way outside, closing the door behind him he notices me sitting down by the pool kicking my feet in the water.

He sighs with a smile.
"Buttercup?" I sniff while wiping my tears away.
"I...ruined it didn't I?" He approaches me slowly before sitting down beside me. "No", I tilt my head to the side.
"Maybe a little."

I sigh, "I'm're out here with me when you should be in there enjoying the party with your girlfriend." I rub my arm nervously in anticipation.
"No, it's fine...what's wrong?"
I brush my hair from out my face. "I might as well tell you since you'll probably find out later." I take a deep breath, "I....before my parents died I was at a party, a party I snuck out the house to go to. And they caught me in a split second before I got my first kiss. And the rest is there." Tears begin to fall from my face. Nick's hand cups the side of my face as he wipes my tears.
"It's okay."
I shake my head. "No I ruined it for myself and he bought me flowers and."-

"You hate flowers." He finishes my sentence.
I nod slowly, "exactly."
He sighs, "alright I'll kiss you."
I laugh, "wait's not that serious... And Sara."

"Don't think about what others think just do you."
He says, "you're starting to turn into a real Romeo."
He gasps, "that reminds me...I've got you something."
I laugh, "you didn't have to." He chuckles, "No it's fine...I wanted to." He pulls out this box with a pretty red bow.
"Thanks." I hug him. He chuckled, "your welcome."

Gently and calmly my eyes meet his. "You ready?"
I smile, "yeah I'm."- I moan inside as his luscious lips hit mines gently. That kind of gentle that makes the world stop. The corny kiss that makes you seem like your the only girl in the world type kiss along with the annoying butterflies.
He pulls back, "happy birthday buttercup." He squeezes me before getting up and returning to the party. Slowly my hands meet my lips and I touch them still feeling his touch on my lips.

Vanessa walks out. "You good?" She asks, I nod slowly.
"Aria that's not a clear answer." I turn to her. "He kissed me."
She sighs, "dammit, Aria."
I look away, "and was a pity kiss." She sighs, feeling my pain.
"Awh Aria." She sits down beside me and hugs me tightly enough that I don't feel the pain of my first kiss is for pity.

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