Chapter 29

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"Hey, Rachel how's Nicole?"

"Oh, that's good...Aria well she's I haven't told her." She sighs, "she lost her parents and she's just getting her life together I don't want to ruin that."-

Ester didn't notice me entering through the door when she was talking so I stood still to stand and listen. "She doesn't need to know that... She had her parents...Rachel, I'll tell her she's my daughter when you decide to tell Nicole that she was adopted."

"What?" She turns to me. "I'll call you back... Aria's not."-

"You lied to me?!"

"I was young and foolish and I made a mistake." My jaw dropped. "Yeah ya did you made a huge one...and you're not my mother...not after what you just said."

"Aria wait."-

I rush out of the house. "Where are you going? Aria!"

The next day Vanessa and Jake sit closely by each other slightly quiet. "Vanessa, have you seen Aria?" Mrs. Haynes asks.

 "No, she's probably sick." She nods, "well can you tell her she's missing out on extra credit." Vanessa nods, after class Jake met her up by her locker. 

"Where's your ride or die?" He asks. "Apparently she's at home, I think....what's that?"

"Nothing, it's just a story," Jake says slowly closing the notebook. 

"My guess is that Aria finally got the hint and left," Sara says almost big as a house.

 "Bye Sara." Vanessa says, "don't get upset at me. It's not my fault she's a crazy person who tried to hurt me."

"Yeah after you antagonized her. So don't try and wheedle your way out of this one." Vanessa says. "Oh so now you care about little Aria?" Sara decisively questions. "She's older than you."

"Okay bitch stop correcting me I know damn," Sara says upset.

 "Watch your mouth."

"Okay...I'm sure Aria is fine...she just wants some attention." Jake says.

Meanwhile, Nick was doing push-ups and doing his daily workout his sister entered the room. "I just love how mom and dad let you get away with everything." Ivy sarcastically says. "I'm owning up for what I did." 

She laughs, "yeah right! And what you did to Aria was owning up?! If you want to protect someone you don't hurt them."

"Do women always have to stand together?" Nick asks. 

"No, I'm talking about in general. Aria has been nothing but kind to you." He laughs. "She's not who she says she is."

"But whoever she is now is her. Buttercup is it?" Nick nods, "her aunt called...she said Aria heard her say that she was her daughter and she left and never came home." Nick shrugs, "she's not my problem anymore."

"But you love her, so she is." Nick shakes his head. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I got Sara pregnant and she's gonna blackmail me if I even get so close to Aria," Nick confesses to his sister, Ivy.

 "Doesn't seem like it... But it's not my life...and not my relationship." Nick nods, "so don't be in my business then." Nick says. 

"Okay don't be an ass."

"Don't be a bitch." Ivy slaps him. "You even hit like one." She frowns before punching him in his gut. 

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