Chapter 14

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"I-I don't know what it is but I usually don't feel this way."

Vanessa nods, "I think I do like her."
Nick says almost shaking. "Then just tell her." Vanessa suggests, "no because...she's like a friend to me and I...don't want to ruin that." Vanessa frowns, "I don't know what to do with you two. Just get together."

"No...Aria isn't easy...and I hate easy. She challenges me...a lot and."-

"Here we are...guys let's forget about Aria and Nick's drama and let's worry about the dance," Jake says pulling up to my house.

"I'll go get her," Nick says hopping out of the car with his tuxedo and faded hair he runs up to the door and rings the bell. The door swings open.

"Nick...hello. Aria will be right down... Aria your friends are here!" 

  Ester says before returning her attention to Nick. "If you hurt her I'll hurt you. And when I say hurt I mean hurt! Oh and tell your mom I said hi." She smiles as he nods uneasily.

I walk down the stairs lips glossy red, eyelashes popped, and beautiful. He grins, "Hey Nick." He says nothing. "Romeo, you okay?" He shakes his head, "yeah no okay let's go." He says. "Have fun you two." Ester waves. "Your aunt scares me."

I giggle, "oh really?"
He nods. "Ha, okay."

When we arrive at the hotel where our homecoming was being held, Nick and the rest of us entered the ballroom in awe.

Jake smiles, "okay...Vanessa, would you care to dance?" He bows and she takes his hand and they leave.

"You...look beautiful tonight."
I tuck my bang behind my ear. " look handsome."

He pops his collar. "I know thanks."

I look around bored. I was hoping he'd ask me to dance. Or I probably should've asked but I'm afraid if I do he'd say no. So I just stood there like an idiot.

"You want to...uh dance?" A random girl asks Nick. He turns to me for permission.

"Go ahead, I'll be fine...have fun."
He smiles, "thanks wing-girl." He pats my shoulder and walks off with her. I find a seat and sit down.

"I find it sad how you have all these opportunities and you let them all go to waste." Sara mocks as she approaches me. Her hair was pinned up in a ballerina bun and strutting a red silk dress that ran to her knees.

"Please don't," I say with a sigh.

"Well, I'm just gonna let your truth and his lies set you free."

I roll my eyes. "And I mean it's gonna be so good you'll leave town and everyone will be happy."

I nod, "ahuh good."

She walks away annoyed by me not believing her. I sat there in the chair on my phone playing Bubble Witch 3 until I got bored and decided to read something on Wattpad. Don't we all love Wattpad? A guilty pleasure if you asked me.

"Why do you keep looking over there?" The girl Nick was dancing with notices his attention wasn't focused on her.
"I'm not." He says.

She turns to face me. "Then tell me this...what have I've been talking about?" She asks.

She laughs, "no I haven't been saying anything."

He sighs, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine...and you want to go dance with her instead then go." She gestures for him to go.

"Oh and good luck."

He dusts himself off and walks towards me as my head was still buried in my phone. He holds out his hand. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

I laugh as I recognized that voice and I looked up to find that sincerely adorable smile. "Yes, you may." I set my phone in my pocket. I take his hand and allow him to whisk me onto the dance floor.

One hand laid above my waist and the other held my free hand. "It's weird...I really didn't think we'd get this close." I said breaking the silence. He smiles down at me as he cocks an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and you thinking that I'm hot." He spins me around and pulls me in close.

"That too."
He smiles, "did I mention that you look beautiful tonight?"

I nod, "yes."-

"I'm serious you do."

I crease his cheek slowly as I begin to gaze into his eyes. "Are you getting soft on me?"

He laughs. "No, I just....want to be nice."

I lean on my tipie toes and peck his cheek.
"What was that for?" He asks shocked.

"For being nice to me and sticking with me even though I am difficult."

He nods quickly. Rolling my eyes I hit his chest.
"Hey don't agree with me."
He laughs, "or what?"
I chuckle, "you'll see."
He maliciously grins before dipping me, catching me off guard as he pulls me back up. Both eyes locked on each other he tucks my bang behind my ear and smiles, our lips inching at the chance to kiss until the student body president spoke on the stage.

"Will all the candidates step up on the stage for the naming of the winners." He looks at me.
"Go, be a king." He leans and pecks my cheek before running up to the stage.

As they called off names and did the whole speeches it came down to homecoming king and queen.
"And the homecoming queen and king are Nick and Sara", Nick points out to the crowd as everyone begins to cheer. I clap proudly.

"Do the two of you have anything to say?"
Sara nods, "yes, I do."

Nick leans to her, "what are you doing let's go."

"No...she needs to know." Nick races off the stage and walks towards me.
"Hey, Aria you wanna go."-

"Don't leave now! I have something to show you guys. It's about this new girl...Aria Tyler."

"Aria let's."- images of me being the old me were being shown.
"This is the new girl everyone back when she wasn't here and now, this is her." I turn to Jake who looks back at me.

"Aria let's."-

"No, I can handle it."
He shakes his head at Sara. "But we know her now. The pathetic loser who even had to have Nick pay someone to like her."
I turn to him jaw dropped and at this moment I couldn't find any words to say.

"Aria it's."-

I slap him. "I deserved that."
I nodded quickly, "how could you? I am not your charity case!" I yell.

"I know and I'm sorry I."-

I back away, "no I need to go." Vanessa and Jake block my exit. "Aria please understand he didn't."-

"You knew?"

Vanessa looks away. Avoiding my gaze she sighs trying to come up with something to say.

"How could you? Lie to me and pretend to be my friend...when all you did was pretend to care!"
Jake bites his tongue quickly.
"You have something to say, Jake?" I laugh, "you know what? Screw all of you!" I storm off.

"Well, that didn't go as plan." Sara laughs, "shut the fuck up Sara!" Vanessa snaps, "Nick go after her!" Vanessa yells.

"She doesn't want to be bothered by me now." Vanessa rolls her eyes. "She's testing."-

"V let it go...she's not worth it."

Nick leans back, "she's not worth it? Says the guy I told to go after her! And now you want me to let her go?" Nick snaps.

"You really do like her don't you?" Vanessa asks. "Yes and I'm going to go find her."

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