Chapter 9

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The music was pouring into my ear and I was dancing like used to do on a typical weekend. Hands raised in the air and Derek's hands on my hips. His lips pressed up against mines, "God you're hot." He whispers into my ear, fanning me with his minted breath.
"Ahuh." I tilt my head back enjoying the attention.
"Derek." I wrap my arms around him and he presses his lips onto mines. He smiles as he pulls me in closer, "you like that don't you buttercup."
Eyes wide I slowly step back.
"What's wrong buttercup? Don't you like me?"
I nod, "yeah but I-I don't know."

"Then wake up and find out."

I jump up and look around, "had a nice Nap?" Sara jokes, I frown.
"Yes, Ms. Tyler was it?" I sigh, "no it was a nightmare."

"It didn't seem like it you were calling this guy's name." Sara mocks.
"Yes, Aria would you care to share with the class, who Romeo is?"
I put my head down as everyone starts to laugh, "oh, Romeo oh Romeo." Sara jokes, "all right enough everyone."

At lunch I buried myself in my notebook, writing about what happened.

"Where's Aria?" Sara giggles as she sits down at Vanessa and Jake's table.
"I don't know." Nick sits beside Sara. "She still must be embarrassed from this morning's daydream." Nick laughs, "about what?" He asks, "this guy named Ro."-

"Derek." Vanessa blurts out loud.
"Oh, that guy."-
Nick sighs, "no I'm sure his name was."-

"It was Derek you're confused."
Sara crosses her arms.
"I-I should go find her," Vanessa said.
"Okay." She kisses Jake before leaving.
"So I heard you're having a party," Sara says resting her head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, it's a surprise party for Aria."
She frowns, "why?"

"It's her birthday... Vanessa forced me to."-

"I'm sure."- Jake pauses as Nick gives him a glare. "Never mind...ignore me." Jake takes a bite out of his fry.
"I won't snap, since it's her birthday. didn't do that for me on my birthday."
Nick gently rubs the back of his neck. "I did, I bought you a card."
She frowns, "how thoughtful." She says sarcastically.

"There you are!" Vanessa's voice runs throughout the library.
"Shh!" The librarian snaps.
"Sorry." She walks up to me and sits down. "You okay?"
I nod, then shake my head. "No...I had a dream about Derek and Nick apparently appeared." She smiles, "I know Sara told us...she was about to say Romeo so I saved you."
I grinned, "thanks."
"No problem," Vanessa says.
"I don't know what this means. I mean I'm talking to Derek and Nick has Sara and that... Damn voice just constantly runs through my mind. And I think I like him."
She does this I told you so face. "I knew it!"


"Sorry, but I knew it."
I shush her, "please don't say anything. I don't want to ruin our friendship."
She pokes out her pinky, "I pinky swear." As we hook pinkies she stops smiling.
"You okay?"
"Yes, I'm just worried."-

"I know I'll be careful." She hugs me.

Nick paced around in the hall on the phone.

Derek- what?

Nick- it's Aria's birthday so I need you to be there at the party to surprise her

Derek- look I've already asked her out I'm not...

Nick- you still wanna get paid?

Derek- yes

Nick- then do it meet me at my house so we can plan this out

Nick hangs up.

"That didn't sound like a good phone call." He turns, "hey buttercup." He says, "I'm taking you out later okay?"
I fold my arms, "wait why?"
He shrugs, "Vanessa said I should be a little nicer to you." He said.
"Oh, well that's nice, you're not getting soft on me because I need someone to toughen me up." He smiles, "don't steal my line." I laugh, "okay." He leans in but I step back. "Okay, I'll see you after school." I start to walk away, "that's it...buttercup? Buttercup?" I kept on walking.

After school, since I didn't have practice I had to wait until Nick's practice was over with. The rattling of the steel startled me from my thoughts. "Huh?"
Nick walks up with some of his friends. "Guys go. Don't startle her."

"Okay, we see! You want her all to yourself."
I laughed as his teammates were clearly making fun of him. "Oh, so you think this is funny?"
I roll my eyes. "No." I giggled.
"Excuse us."

I scream as the sweaty football player chases me. "Stop you're gonna make me fall." I plead as I stop at the other end of the bleachers. "Okay fine but come on."
I slowly approach him. As I attempt to rush past him he catches me and I could feel drops of heated sweat fall onto me. "Eww! Nick!" I yell.
"What's my name?" He asks.
"Romeo." He lets go and jogs down the stairs.

I shook off his body Oder with my perfume.

As we arrive at the mall I try to keep my distance. "Where do you wanna go?" He asks, "what do you mean?"
He laughs, "what store do you want to go to, buy a dress for my party tonight."
I shrug, "um I'm not sure I want to go." I laughed.
"It doesn't have to be fancy it could be casual unless you want me to go with you and help you find something." He says.
"No, I'll go find something while you go flirt with some random girl."
He smirks, "call me when you're done." He says.
"I don't have your number."
He nods, "yea" He takes out a pin and writes his number down. "Have fun." I walk off into Rue21.

I text him so that he can have my number and proceed to find me an outfit.

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