Chapter 25

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Once Nick pulled up to my house I immediately sighed. "What's wrong? You've been quiet all day. You know you can tell me anything?"

I turn to look at him, "well I guess I should tell you."
He heavily sighs, "God you're not pregnant are you?"

I frown, "no."

He chuckles, "good."

I roll my eyes, "but you still are going to be a father." I said with sympathy in my eyes.

"Wait what do you mean?" He asks. "Well not with me but my neighbor," I said point at the house across the street.

Nick grimaces at the sight of that house. "Damn." He honks the horn as his fist forcefully pounds on the wheel. He rests his head on the wheel. "H-how do you know?" He asks.
"She told me...and I saw her...throwing up this morning she didn't want me to tell you but I can't keep anything like that a secret especially not from the potential father."

He nods, "I'll give you some time to."- his hand hits my thigh, slowly gripping it for comfort. "No, stay please." He says looking up. 


He smiles, "thanks."

I nod, "are we gonna talk to her?"
He nods, "I'm face my mistake."

I rub his back soothingly. "Don't say that."

He nods, "right it's not a mistake it's a...I don't know."
We get out of the car and make it across the street. I knock on the door for him. The tips of our fingers touch, slowly intertwining. The door swings open.
"Sara your ex is here." Sara's mother frowns.
"W-Who oh hey...Aria I told you not to tell anyone."

She says, "it's the father why shouldn't I tell him? And it's not like I told the whole school."

"Because he doesn't deserve to be!" I sigh, "I want to help."

"I don't need your help!" She slams the door in our face.

"Okay Rude," I say shocked that she slammed the door in our faces.
"She really hates me." I wrap my arms around him. "I'm going to be a dad and I'll probably never see the kid."

"I'm here for you."
He nods, "I'll go home and tell my parents."

He walks me home and then leaves. "How was your day?" Ester asks. "Eventful. You?"

She smiles. "I got a date for tonight."
I nod, "oh good...really you deserve that." I laugh.

"What's wrong?"

"I just watched this show where this girl falls for this guy and we all know including her that he isn't right for her...and he gets a girl pregnant...his ex. And I may never get over it. I mean her....but she wants to be there because she loves...I mean she cares....nothing the show is stupid."

She smiles, "sounds tragic."
I nod, "it is." I make my way upstairs and into my room. I see that gift box and I set it into my closet. I close the door, sitting down- crouched down in a ball and I cry.

The next few days Nick spent most of his time trying to get Sara to talk to him. I think she secretly loved the attention. Vanessa found someone new which was fast. I think she's just doing it to get back at Jake though. Jake was lost without her. And as for me, I'm here sitting in a damn counselor's office with my notebook and my fingers playing with each other as I'm explaining my life struggles.

"So are you angry at him?"

I shake my head. "He didn't mean to hurt me...that and things happen right?"

She nods agreeing, "But yet he hurt you emotionally and mentally."

She points out and I nod, "but I was already fucked up...oops excuse me....what I mean is that I was already messed up before I met him. Every time someone gets angry at me or gives up on me I lose it."

She nods, "and in those moments do you ever want to confront them...forgive them?"

I shrug. "Never thought of it, I always just think of suffering."

She nods, "see how confronting works."
I grab my bag and leave her office. "Nick."
He turns back to Sara. "Nick?" He ignored me again.


At lunch, I was on my way to the cafeteria until Sara stepped in front of me. "Excuse me."

"I warned you not to say anything to him and you did and now you're out of luck getting him back."

I roll my eyes. "I had him."

"For a time but now he's mines again. You see I let Nick have his freedom but he always, comes back to me. He's lost without me."
I laughed at her.
"Oh don't laugh now. You might as well forget about getting him back."
I cross my arms, "you know at my old school I used to."-

"What talk? That's all I hear is you just talking. You just bark and have no bite."
I smack her; she smacks me back. I push her onto the wall before raising my fist to her face.
"Don't hurt me, please!" She yells panicking.

"You."- a crowd forms. "She's...crazy. Who beats on Sara?"

One whispers, "isn't she pregnant?" Nick pushes past the crowd.
"Aria what the hell?!" He yells at me. "I-I...didn't mean to."- Slowly I lower my hand.


Everyone laughs at me. "Nick I."-

"Go! Sara are you okay?" I nod and runoff. As I was approaching the exit I was tripped and I fell flat face first.
I growl as Sara smiles at me, "bark bark! Bite." One kid mocks me. I turn to Nick who doesn't say anything...and I wait...still nothing he doesn't even look at me.

As I was making my way to the bus stop when I noticed Jake leaned up against his 2014 Toyota. In between his fingers and perched in between his lips was a cigarette.

"So we're smoking now?" Shades on and Jake's blank face turns to face me.
"'s a new me wanna try?" I walk up to him and toss the cigarette out of his mouth and stomp on it.


I roll my eyes. "You wouldn't be doing this if you were with Vanessa," I said.

"Fuck her." I roll my eyes as he laughs.
"Right okay."

"Anyways let's talk about you how are you and Nick doing?"

I look away, "oh don't tell me you two are having trouble in paradise."

I sighed.
"You guys are." He gasps sarcastically.

"We'll be fine but thanks for being so concerned about my love life." He smiles, "always... Even if I didn't want to."

"This is why you're alone." He laughs, "you're one to talk." I shrug.
"Bye Jackson," I said before walking off.

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