Chapter 5

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Nick lays beside Sara, staring up at the ceiling blankly. "I can't believe you did that? I would've left her there if she tried to kill me." Nick nods with a grin, "yeah...but I have a soft heart." He says wrapping his arm around her. "I'm so happy we're back together." She kisses his hand.
"Yup me too." Her head gently lays onto his chest.

I wake up and stare at my reflection intensely, hating on what I've become. I step out of bed and cover the mirror with my extra blanket. Ambling over to my blinds and open them slightly, just enough for some light to come in. I could see Nick across the street shirtless and talking to Sara. So she's my neighbor. He looks up and looks at me gently. He grins, I slowly nod before turning away. My phone rings.

Aria- hello?

Unknown- is this Aria

Aria- yes...who's asking?

Unknown- Derek...we met at the mall the other day

I smile.

Aria- oh hi... What's up stranger?

Derek- nothing just thinking of you

Aria- I was just thinking of you you wanna hang out?

Derek- yea when?

Aria- sometime today...I'll text you the deets

Derek- that's cool

Aria- yup bye

Derek- bye

I set my phone down and get dressed to go for a jog. I race downstairs. "Someone's jogging everything alright?"
I nod, "oh yeah I'm fine. I just need to keep myself in shape for cheerleading." She laughs, "I'm so happy you are slowly easing back into your old self."
I smile, "me too."

"Don't be late coming back we're going to church!"

I exit the house and look at the neighbor's door as it opens an older bald man snaps off on Nick and shoves him out of the house. "You stay away from my daughter you fucking piece of shit."

Nick laughs it off, "dad don't treat my boyfriend like that!" Sara yells in the background. Nick's eyes meet mines. But all I could look at was that bloody lip.

I shake it off and put on my headphones and preceded to my jog.

An hour past and I came back took a shower, got dressed in my Sunday best, and headed to Church.

My aunt and I looked severely lost as we spent about three minutes trying to find a seat to call home. Until this mid-thirties lady, brunette, thin and slender. She wore this red blush that looks too expensive for my taste and she waved us over. So we sat down next to her. She held out her hand for us to shake her hand.
"I'm Elena Lockwood, nice to meet you."-

"Ester Tyler- Jacobs and this is my niece Aria, Tyler." She smiles at me, observing me. "You're absolutely beautiful."
I smile, "thank you."

"You guys must new tell me what made you come here?"


"Oh,'ll be sleeping in five minutes, Elaine." She snaps.
"We're from New Jersey. We came here for a fresh start after her parents died."
She gasps and stares at me pitifully. "I'm so sorry. What school do you go to?" She asks, "Waterton High."
She claps her hand, "my son Nick goes there... You probably know him he's the star quarterback to the team and a bit of a womanizer." Mrs. Lockwood chuckles.
"I've met him...he gave Aria a ride to school the other day."
She nods, "he never does that he only offers a ride home and stays there...but other than that he's a good kid."

Yeah and a good pain in my behind. "He's sitting over there by his friends. You wanna go sit by him?"
I shake my head. "Nah I'll pass."
She nods, "very well then."

After church, I sat on a bench outside the church door waiting for my aunt to stop talking to Mrs. Lockwood. I didn't really care, I was too busy trying to figure out how to respond to Derek.

"Hey, buttercup."
I laugh, as he sits down beside me.
"I see you're okay today."
I nod, "I just needed that jog."
He nods, "w-what you saw I."-

"My lips are sealed. I'm not a snitch unless you piss me off." I joke while playfully punching his arm.
"Okay good and I also see that you've met my mom."
I nod, "yes she's so nice and sweet."
Nick rubs his chin. "You know you're the only girl who's met my mom and I'm not talking about her walking in on me with one." He jokes.
"I'm a first-time for everything for you aren't I Mr. Lockwood?" I tease.
"Haha, not everything." I nod, "oh that's right. Not the sex thing or first kiss thing." I said. "Exactly, wait have you done either of those things?" He asks with a malicious grin.
"I'm afraid to tell you, I mean the last time I did, you did blab your mouth to the whole school."
He laughs. "You still aren't going to let that go are you?"

I shake my head. He looks down at my lap-- at my phone. "You can't wheedle you're way out of that. But I can tell you that I've only dreamt about the two."-

I notice he's stopped listening and look away. " still texting that guy?"
I nod, "he's taking me out on a date later this week." I smile with a slightly girly shrug. Nick nods slowly.

My aunt Ester and Mrs. Lockwood stand afar watching as we engage in conversation. "They're cute." Mrs. Lockwood points out.
"Yes indeed. He makes her smile...and she rarely does that ever since her parents died." Ester looks down.
"How did...they die, if I may ask."

"A deer...ran onto the road and her parents lost control. Aria flew out of the car before her parents went over the bridge." She answers.

They walk up to us. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Ms. Tyler. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again."
I smile, "Same here, Mrs. Lockwood."

As they walk off his mother opens her mouth to speak. "Don't break this girl's heart. She's special and a keeper."

"She hates me."
She laughs, "I beg to differ. She seems to enjoy you. Give her a chance... Maybe she'll teach you to be the more real you."

"Okay, mom."

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