Chapter 6

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I sat in class head leaned against the table and my thumbs were just flying through my keyboard.
I ignore the clearing of one's throat. "Ms. Tyler." I still ignore the voice.
"Ms. Tyler if you don't put that phone away I will have no choice but to take it away." I slowly lift my head up and slide my phone into my pocket.
"Sorry," I said right before returning to my work.

Moments later the bell rang and instantly got up to leave. "Ms. Tyler please come here." I steadily walk to the front.

"Ms. Tyler I don't know what you think goes around here or not but this isn't your old school."
I nod, "I apologize...seriously."
She takes out her list of students. "Anyways, I'm not angry I just want you to take the opportunity to excel. Seriously, you have some great work, especially with your writing. Keep it up."
I nod, "thank you, Mrs. Rodgers."

I walk out of the class. "Are you going bad on me buttercup?"
I laugh, "no, why?" I asked.
"Good because I need you to be good so you can talk me out of doing bad things." I roll my eyes.
"Okay, Romeo."
He grins, "say that one more time."
I punch his arm playfully. "Buttercup ouch! That hurts." He rubs his arm as if I actually hurt him.
"Don't be such a baby." I tease.
"Don't be a."- Nick pauses.
"Finish that sentence," I demand.
"Jake was do have a crazy eye." He says looking into my eyes. "Shut up."

I take a swing only for him to catch my hand and pull me in.
"Nick," I said almost pleading as his hand squeezes down onto my hand. "That's not my name." He grins.
"Nick stop." I laugh as he moves his hands down to my abdomen and starts to tickle me. "Stop."
He laughs, "what?"
He asks, "Romeo."
He stops.
"God I hate you." I snap before he squeezes me into a hug.
"No, you don't I'm like your best friend."
I chuckle, "no...Vanessa technically is." Nick shakes his head.
"Nah, more like second best I see you every day." My phone buzzes.
"So how's your long-distance relationship?" He jokes.
"Great...he's taking me to the movies since I didn't get to enjoy the movies last time."

He nods, "that's cool...when?"

"Tonight," I said with a smile.
"Oh on a school night?"
I nodded.
"Does your aunt know about him?"
I lean back surprised by his actions. "No...but I'll tell her tonight," I admit.
"Cool...well I'll see you later buttercup."He walks away.

At practice I sit in a split position, stretching. "How many times do I have to tell you to leave him alone?" Sara asks.
"Sara I don't try to... And how do you know these things? Do you like to keep tabs on him or something?"
She frowns.
"No! I'm not a stalker-like you." I roll my eyes. "It won't happen again."
She nods, "better not now five laps around the track." She snaps.
"What? No."-

"Don't you want to be on the team?"
I nodded.
"Then do the Laps bitch."
I get up and jog off.

As soon as I got home I went upstairs and took a long shower and got dressed for my date.

I walk down the hall.
She pokes her head up from her laptop. "Yes?" She asks, "I sort of met this guy at the mall and he wanted to take me out."
She laughs, "no." She snaps.
"W-Why not? You said you wanted me to have fun."

"Because I don't know the guy. He could be a serial killer for all we know."
I roll my eyes. "I swore to your parents to protect you."
I cross my arms, "you let me drive in a car with a complete stranger just four days ago." Her jaw drops, "he had your friends in the car with him."
I shake my head. "No... He didn't it was just me and him."
She shrugs, "you're still not going."

I scream, "huh! Fine...I'll go die in my room alone until my birthday, I will arise." I dramatically say pouting.
"That only worked when you were six!" She yells and I stomp to my room. I stop and stare out the window before calling Derek.

Derek- hey you ready?

Aria- I can't go my aunt won't let me out

Derek- sneak out

I gulp once he said that. My eyes blinking with wet tears. My body recalled me jumping out that window and the sunset blinding me from what's right. I don't care to look back. I felt like that one person who reads a story and knows the outcome.

Derek- Aria?

Quickly I snap out of my trance.

Aria- sorry...I just can't

I hang up and wipe my eyes after I had to toss my phone onto the bed. Plopping down onto the bed only made it worse because Mr. Asshole stood across from the house talking to Sara.

"Why do you keep talking to her?" Sara questions.
"Because she's cool. You should get to know her."
Nick says, "no, she's a bitch and she's out to get me so she can get to you."
Nick laughs, "she could care less about me." He says, "I know those types of girls and she may not care now but she will and she'll take you away from me."
He laughs, "never." He pressed his lips up against hers.
"Good because I'll beat her ass if she touches you."

"Okay, babe."

As she wraps her arms around him and he does to her. He sincerely smiles at me and I smile back. He mouths something but I couldn't comprehend.

"What?" I shrug, he mouthed something else. I started to do some hand signals. Then I just gave up and closed my blinds. I jump at the sound of my phone. Once I saw the ID caller of an unknown person I swiped decline and sat down.


I asked annoyed and still pissed off that she wouldn't let me go out.
"You want ice cream?"
I laugh, "sure!" I race downstairs and walk into the kitchen. "Is there strawberry?"

She nods, "thank god, I love you." 

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