Chapter 26

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I enter school lowering my head down, trying not to be noticed. I smoothly make my way towards Vanessa's locker. "Hey bestie."
She ignores me.

She rolls her eyes. "Did I do something?" I ask, " ruined my relationship and you were caught beating on a pregnant girl."
I sigh, "She...and I didn't even."-

"But you did it! You let people get to you! And Sara was right you are a fraud, just how you're unloyal."
She slams her locker and walks away from me. I scream as I was pushed into a locker. "Hey!" I yelled at her.
"Oh bark." The guy smacked my ass.
"You like that baby, huh?" I put my defenses up and corner myself as he gangs up on me.

"Alright Jim get off her she's had enough." Nick and Sara laugh.
"W-why are you doing this to me?"

Nick smiles, "it's so simple Aria. He was playing you. Right Nick? The whole I love you thing was priceless."

"You're a slut now."

I shake my head before running off. I tear down a poster that says life gets better and toss it into the trash.

At lunch I try to talk to Vanessa but she kept ignoring me like I was invisible. And I never felt so alone in my life. I make my way to the library when I was pulled away into the office.

" attacked Sara." I sigh, "I didn't mean to."-

"Yet you did! You touched this pregnant girl and she could've been hurt." Sara smiles proudly.

"I could've been hurt does that matter?!" I ask.
"Not like this."

I nod, "so you're being suspended." I gasp wide eyed and annoyed. "Over a push."-

"A push that could've endangered her child." I get up and walk out. "I told you not to trust me."

I smile, "you sure didn't." I say as he follows me out into the hall.

I scan the halls searching for an object. "I mean it, was fun while it lasted but I have to do this for my family. Sara comes first until the baby comes."

I nod, "I'm sorry." I laugh once he said that. I walk over to a kid who was about to plant his baseball bat into his locker and grabbed it.

"Hey bitch!" I turn to him with daggers in my eyes. "Keep it." He says putting up his hands. "W-what are you doing Aria? Think about this Aria."

I hit the steal bat onto the palm of my hand steadily and walk outside. "Aria." I grin, slowly blacking out. "Aria!" I point the bat at his car. "Ah there it is. A boys' real first love." I storm towards the car. "Aria don't!" I laugh manically as I pound that heavy steal bat onto his car countless times. "This is for making me feel something!"

"No!" Nick runs his hands through his hair.

"This is for me falling for you." I smash the windshield. "This is for breaking my heart and making me look like a fool." I laughed

"Aria stop!" He yells. "Oh you have the money shut up." I smash the passengers side window.
"This is for lying and humiliating me! Oh and this is for me." I swing the bat at him purposely missing him.

"Congrats it's a boy." I randomly say.

I put the bat over my head and rest it onto my shoulder and walk away. Jake laughs, "damn Aria is different...I haven't known some girl to do that especially when you've broken their heart and pulled the old Sara trick again." Jake rest an arm on Nick's shoulder.

"Get off me." Nick punches Jake.
"Asshole." Jake tackles Nick and a brawl begins.

"Security!" A teacher yells.

"You're home early." I sigh, "I got suspended for pushing a pregnant girl." She gasps, "oh well."-

"I know I'm grounded I'll be in my room." I entered my room and I stood there rubbing my head. Why am I always crying I'm sick of crying! I hate it! I cried when my parents died I cried over Nick I'm so sick of crying, stop crying. I direct my attention towards my reflection.

The air rushing through my lungs stops flowing. I lay there paralyzed scared, and I just watched them, struggle to fight for their lives and I did nothing. I was all bark and no bite. I didn't realize my fist had smashed into the mirror, until I heard the shattering and the pieces hitting the floor. Blood poured from out my hand... And as I seen those broken pieces I saw myself in those pieces.

I crouch down, grab a shattered piece I shook my hand in a panic. Next thing I knew my wrist was bleeding and it felt like hell but in all I was numb to the pain. I walked to my bathroom and took a shower.

I looked down upon the watery blood that escaped from my body. I screamed inside. When I got out my aunt stood in my room in the middle of my tantrum.

"Aria?" I laugh, "oh that...I accidentally knocked it down." She nods. "Really?" I nod, "of course I wouldn't lie to you." She sighs, "I don't know what to do with you... can go to Carson's diner to eat I didn't have time to cook." I nod rolling my sleeves down and hiding my scar.

When I had arrive I sat in a booth near a window and stared intently at it. "Welcome to Carson's diner what would."-

I turn my head and who I saw made me look up at the broken slightly fractured face. "Aria." I nod, "yes...just a."-

"A burger and fries?" I nod, "thanks." He nods as he turns around. "W-what happened to your face?" He heavily sighs. "I got into a fight with Nick."

"Did you at least win?" I ask. " should see his face." I plant my chin onto the palm of my hand. He tilts his head as my sleeves slightly pulled back. "What happened to your wrist?" I chuckle. "'s just an old scar." He nods, "o-okay that old scar looks pretty new though." He mumbles.

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