1x4 - A Long Way To Go.

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"Come on Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed running on the path towards the Pokemon School he was attending.

Ash was looking forward to class today, Will had stayed up late last night writing notes for class today, Kukui was impressed with his last class so he asked him to run another lesson for the students. Ash was excited to see just what Will had planned.

Ash stopped on the path for a moment, looking of the cliffside, to the rising sun and clear blue ocean. "I have a good feeling Pikachu." "Pika?"

"I feel like this will be out best adventure yet!" "Pika!" He continued, Pikachu agreeing. "Alright, let's get going!"


"Alola Will, Alola Professor!" The students greeted. "Alola kids." "Hello, guys." The two responded.

"Why don't you greet with "Alola" Will?" Lana asked.

"Because. So, hope you are ready for a day of "SUPER" fun school work! Nope, can't say that with a straight face." Will laughed. "Look, I have something planned since Kukui asked me to work today so you guys sit and listen, and we will have a little talk."

"Already had it, don't need it again." Gary said joking.

"Oh, no. No. Not that one. Don't get paid enough to go through that. No, we are gonna talk about emotions today." Will explained.

"Thought you said we weren't having tha-" "Not those emotions Gary!" Will yelled, annoyed. "Look, I may not know everything, but I've been through enough to know enough. I think that makes sense... Antways, today we are going to talk about emotions of being a trainer, especially in a battle." Will started. The class seemed interested.

Kukui looked on with interest as well to see just what the young man had planned.

"Sounds like my kind of lesson!" Ash said with excitement.

"Well then, let's begin!" Kukui stated.

"During your journey as a trainer, just as a journey through life, You encounter many different ones. Let's get specific. Ash, During a battle you feel many different things, Correct?" Will asked.

Ash nodded as a reply.

"When in a battle that can be good and bad. Emotions could take over making you stronger than you ever were." Will explained.

"Wouldn't that be a good thing?" Kiawe asked.

"In theory," Will continued, "But emotions can be delicate and hard to control as well. You can use them to help, but can also hinder you. In the heat of the moment, bad things can occur out of your control."

"So how do you combat this in a setting like a battle?" Lillie asked.

"Well it is different for everyone, but, to me. It's to embrace your self. Use your strongest emotions and feelings, not letting them corrupt you. It is a difficult task, one I have not mastered myself." Will finished.

"What Emotion do you embrace then?" Lana asked.

"...The toughest emotions to control. I know how to master them, But I can't. Not yet. I have much to learn like you all I guess." He said with a serious expression.

"What do you have to do?" Mallow asked concerned.

"Let go." Will said quietly, hiding emotion. Shaking it off, he continued. "If you want to become a powerful foe in battle, you must learn to embrace your emotions, your feelings, your thoughts. But at the same time you can't lose yourself to them either. You must remember why you are battling. Always Have a Reason To Fight."

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