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"Recording number eighteen, session. . .God, does it even matter anymore? My name is Walter Wesley you all know the rest. Let's just get to it before my indulgence to anger gets the better of me.

Forgive me, Harold, you were an outstanding superior, and you treated me kinder than most could say about their leaders, but I am officially resigning my position of work in this facility. I don't feel it is right. None of this is right. Our patients should be our number one priority. Hell, are we even doing good anymore?

I have recited the last week in my head over, and over, and over. If I'm honest, I'm appalled by the events of our judicial system. Our patient, err, my patient; Ezra Scott, has been released to the public under circumstances even I fathom as inappropriate. Undoubtedly, his family has wealth and a grand status such as the Scott name, but to allow a boy with such trauma and well, illness, or supposedly one who is believing an illusion that the world is at his fingertips, out, even socially out to a university! It's all absurd. All of this.

Where is the humanity in our courts? Where, if it even exists, is the brain of our laws?

He needs help, Harold. Fuck, anyone who is listening; Ezra Scott is not a project."

There was a long pause on the recorder, before Wesley's voice spoke up in undeniable despair.

"I can say so much more, but all I will say is this; If those with a ten-figure number in their bank accounts can disrupt our civilized rules as they please, with no sense of punishment, then we truly have lost our morals over time.

Ezra is a boy who has been taught to want the world, and the world must succumb to him if he desires it too. He is greedy in a sense that is beyond all limits.

I believe he has never been punished, nor visibly disliked by anyone. Why is it that people allow themselves to admire such a broken, brat of a boy? All he is used to is humanity kissing him as if he were a god. Narcissism is a heavy burden to the giver and the receiver, but it that really an excuse to treat him like an animal? We are not helping him. He needs fucking help. 

Sometimes I wonder if we are the cause of his broken mental state. Did we do this to him? Did he form him to be what he is today? Is it all our fault? What if he kills someone, what if he kills multiple someones? I can't carry that burden on my conscience, I already can't sleep at night, wondering when I'll get the call. That fucking imaginary call, claiming Ezra has finally dived off the edge of sanity. The call where I'll have to run tests on a murderer. . . We fucked up, all of us, we have truly lost our sense of compassion."

Another pause, this time, there is a long sigh, and a tapping noise, as though he is gently tapping his finger against his desk.

"His parents seem to have millions to spend on his recklessness. God, they must have already spent that much on him already. He's never been denied the worldly lusts and treasures,and I'm not sure there is anything in this world he can't be given. Anything, but a moral recession with medical professionals that is. I truly fear what would happen to the individual who says to him the two-letter forbidden word, 'no'."  

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