Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I woke up numb. It's been three days since the kiss. Ezra hasn't showed himself since, I was beginning to think the kiss broke him, which was deserving. Of course, that didn't stop everyone from talking about him. I wasn't getting laughed at anymore, I was getting glares. Evil, vicious glares. As if it were my fault that the rich boy couldn't handle kissing a poor girl.  

Honestly, I'd prefer the glares of Scott himself than the over-dramatic students all who were acting like I had killed him or something.

I got dressed in the same clothes I wore yesterday, it's not like it mattered. I didn't bother to put my hair up, and I walked to my locker without lifting my gaze up from the floor. There was another photo on my locker and I didn't care. I ripped it off, shoved it into my book bag next to the previous ones that I received every single day since the event, and headed for my class.

I should have just skipped today.

The moment I walked into class I saw him. Ezra was leaning back in his chair, his arm on the desk, holding his head up. We made eye-contact, and I immediately stopped at the sight of him.

He looked like shit.

Dark circles were under his eyes like he hadn't slept or even ate at all since I last saw him. His clothes were wrinkled, and I could smell the alcohol radiating off him ten feet away.

Everyone else seemed to notice as they all stayed away from him. He looked like he'd bite the head off anyone who even said his name.

I broke the eye-contact first, and headed to my desk, though I could still feel him staring at me despite refusing to acknowledge him.

Was it because of the kiss? Was he getting backlash because of kissing someone like me, so now he's blaming me?

I'll slap him in public again before I take the blame for what was mostly his fault.

Even if I did kiss first.

It was almost impossible to hear what the professor was saying because the only thing on my mind was Ezra's lingering gaze.

I finally gathered the confidence to shoot him a glare, but all the anger evaporated when I took in the sight of him again. God, he really, really looked like shit.

Not that I was pitying him or anything. He deserved it.

When class ended, I jumped from my desk, more relieved than ever to get out of the class. I had a pile of essays due to be written by the end of the week, I found myself considering skipping my next class and going straight to my dorm to work on them. The thought was ever more appealing knowing it meant that I could avoid Ezra for the rest of the day.

Walking through the hall, I saw Vanessa was waiting by my locker already. How she got from her class to my locker before I did was beyond me.

"So, how'd it go?" She asked, referring to a whole two-hour class with Ezra.

I glanced around, making sure nobody was listening, (nobody, being Ezra), "Have you seen him today?" I asked.

"Nope, had to run to my class early this morning to turn in some overdue assignments."

"So, you absolutely haven't seen him today?"

"Why? Is something wrong?" Just as she asked that, her eyes widened as they were staring at something behind me. I turned to see the disaster himself, walking down the hall; a group of students followed him a few feet behind. They all looked too anxious to even talk to him, so they were wise, and stayed behind.

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