Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"Now?" I hesitated. "In the hall?" 

"If you're going to back out-"

"I'm not going to back out."

He spread his arms out and beckoned me forward, "Then I'm waiting." Oh, he was so enjoying this.

I had to practically force both of my legs to move one after the other. When I was close enough to reach him, I took a deep breath and sighed. "You better do your part in this deal."

"Shut up, I'll do it, and stop stalling."

I glared at him, as I stood on my toes and kissed him, more like pecked my lips with his, and backed away. He didn't seem very satisfied.

"Stop half-assing it, either kiss me or the deal is off."

"I did kiss you!"

He rolled his eyes, "That was not a kiss. Whatever happened to that gumption you had back at the party? Don't tell me your bald friend's camera meant more to you than your family's living, even to me, that's morally objective"

"You rich people are never satisfied." I gritted, "Fine." This time, I didn't stand on my toes just so I could reach his lips, I pulled him down to my height, and forced my mouth onto his. It was weird, being so close to him that I could smell him. He smelled oddly good in a way I didn't expect, not like fancy colognes, or perfumes. This was the first time I could actually smell him without alcohol on his breath. He smelled clean, like mint, and sage.

It was strange, kissing the same man who I've seen on national television hundreds of times since I was a kid. I practically grew up hearing and watching him on interviews and broadcasts.

Now he's here, in my arms, kissing me, and it was almost surreal.

When I pulled away, I found myself unable to look at him. I didn't know what to say, or how to even hold myself without it looking incredibly awkward so I just said, "Don't forget about your part of the deal."

He breathed, "I won't."

I nodded once and headed back into the classroom. I took my seat and glanced at the other students. They were staring at me, some stared at the door as Ezra walked in. I hoped none of them saw what had happened in the hall.

I'm sure they overheard.

When class ended, I decided to skip the rest of my classes and head back to my dorm for the rest of the day. I didn't want to see Ezra, I didn't want to see Vanessa, and I didn't want to see anyone who I made a scene in front of this morning.

Sitting on my bed, I dialed my father's number.

"Olivia!" My father shouted through the line, making me pull the phone away from my ear.

I couldn't help but smile, he was still so happy, despite everything. "Hey dad."

"Where have you been? I've been trying to call you for the past two days. Are you well? Have you eaten today? Hey, you better not come back to us without gaining at least twenty pounds with all that rich people food you have there. Tell me, how's the lobster? King crab? Caviar?"

I'm grinning like an idiot, "Sorry, haven't had much time to indulge in the seafood."

"I'm disowning you. No daughter of mine will not take advantage of that sweet Trinity-inspired gluttony."

I glanced down at my body, "Hmm, guess I need new parents."

"I failed as a father."

I laughed, and sat up from the bed, "So, how have you and mom been after," I paused, "You know."

"Don't start worrying about us." He said, feigning positivity that I could hear right through of. "Your mother's parents are very generous to let us move into their basement for a few months."

"Months? Dad-"

"Hey, hey, what did I say? No worrying, just study your schoolwork. We're fine. You know I enjoy the company of your mother's parents anyway. Your sister is having a lot of fun."

I think about my baby sister Sienna, and wince. "But-"

"And what is this about that picture I saw?" My heart dropped, "Everyone was tagging me and your mother on social media about it. Is it real?"

I cleared my throat, "Uhh, yeah, yeah it's real."

"So my daughter was indeed at a college party."


"Kissing a Scott."

I sighed, "Yes."

"And drunk?"

"That, actually no. I wasn't drunk."

"So, you expect me to believe you just decided to fling yourself into the arms of a billionaire? Honestly, I'd do the same. Maybe he can give us a few million, let me and your mother retire." I knew he was joking but I still cringed at the thought of owing Ezra for paying my parents. Or owing Ezra anything.

"I'm not dating him."

"I never said you were."

"And I don't like him."

"I never said you did."

There was a long pause between the both of us. I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't want to tell him about why he and my mom lost their jobs, which I'm sure they probably put two-and-two together and already knew. I didn't want to tell him that I had bargained with Ezra to get their jobs back.

I just didn't want him to know anything.

"Hey, Ollie, honey?"

"Yes, dad?"

"Just be careful with him, okay? People like that they. . . sometimes they just aren't right in the head, you know? The fame, the money, it just gets to them." I could hear the gentleness in his tone, and it reminded me just why I am here at Trinity, why I am here to get a degree and a job that pays enough so my parents will never have to work again. "I just want you to be careful. Tell me you'll be careful."

I nodded, though he couldn't see. "I will."

"That's my girl."

He and I spoke on the phone for another hour before I finally hung up. Just hearing his voice had put me in a better mood, like I could withstand all the bad that has happened to me, and that will happen to me. That kissing Ezra is just another obstacle that I can get over, it's not like kissing him is so bad anyway.

The next day I had barely made it out of the dorm building, before Ezra was in my view. Normally he's never this early to school, so I immediately knew what he was waiting for.

I had to admit, the circles under his eyes were worse as though he hasn't been sleeping at all. He looked pale, and gaunt, but at least his clothes looked clean this time.

I glanced at his hand, and cringed, "That's a cigarette."

He blew out a puff of smoke, "Yes, excellent detective skills."

I narrowed, "Okay, don't be an ass."

"I've been waiting for you." He said, dismissing the last subject, "You should wake up earlier."

"Yes, right because my sleeping schedule should revolve around what is convenient for you."


I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Fine, let's just get this over with."

"Your enthusiasm is to die for."

"Your sarcasm makes me want to die."

He dropped the cigarette and stepped on it. "Good." He took both my arms and pulled me closer, crashing his lips onto mine.

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