Chap. 23 "I don't need to see your butt"

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Last time on SGBDABN: "I love you" I whispered and he smiledas I leaned into a kiss.

Dear this fucking writing book,

I tried to open my eyes, but bright lights shone on my face. I let my eyes adjust before I could fully open them. I looked around, I was in a hospital room. More specifically the medical center the gang had built to stay under the radar.

I tried to sit up but I felt excruciating pain radiate from my side and I let out an unhuman groan.

"Thea" I tried to whisper but it came out more like a croak.

"I think he's awake" I heard someone say from right outside the door and people file in my room. Chloe, Jax, and James all stood at the side of my bed.

"Thea" I said again. All of them give me solemn and seem like they can't look me directly in the eye. So I just assumed the worst.

"She's dead" I said choked up still needing some water.


"She left me"


"Then what happened " I said

"Well at prom her unit was falling back, and she was supposed to leave but she stopped to make sure you were alright and then she was shot. We tried to help her, but Erin found out she was an assassin and she is in the warehouse" James explained

I felt my face pale, Erin was ruthless she would stop at no means to get what she wanted. Right now, Thea was probably screaming her brains out. I felt like I needed to help her, I tried to get out of bed but the pain was unbearable.

"Oh no you can't leave you were just shot and underwent major surgery, you won't be leaving for a while" Chloe said

"Well what do you want me to do huh, stay here and just rest. While I know that the love of my life is undergoing some of the worst torture methods on this planet" I said exasperated

"Yes, because even though we all love Thea we need a plan. She needs you to be at your fullest potential not like this. If we half ass all this, you'll just make it worse for Thea" Jax said sitting in one of the bedside chairs

I sighed knowing that he was right.

"So, what do I do now, I can't help but feel bad about Thea" I said sinking down into my bed

"We know that's why we bought you monopoly, we know how much you love this game" Chloe said shaking the game trying to cheer me up.

"You should be ready to lose" Jax said pulling the table to my bed

"Are we playing teams" James said taking a chair

"I call having Chloe on my team" I say sitting up

"That's not fair" Jax whined and she high fived me.

After we play for a while my spirits start to lift.

A few weeks later

"I'm finally out" I said getting out of bed. My muscles were still sore, but I was feeling a lot better.

"Here put on your clothes I don't want to see your butt" James says handing me my clothes , I chuckled and took them. I have a black tee and blue jeans. I quickly pull them on and tap Jax on the shoulder since he was turned around.

"Are you dressed" he said still not turned around

"Yes man, let's go" I say impatiently

"Are you sure because we're close but not that close I don't to see your junk everywhere" he said and I sigh turning him around myself

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