Chap. 27 "It made it look like I was in a movie"

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Last Time On SGBDABN: I had a feeling that tonight I was going to be silenced.

Dear Journal,

To say I was paranoid was to say the least. I knew someone has been watching me and I had they were sent by Erin. I knew that someone high in the agency also is a mole, so if I'm taken they would just say I was dead or I left the agency. Both were equally as bad.

I heard footsteps behind me and I tried to ignore them insisting that they weren't there but, it was evident that they were following me. I clutched on to my hidden fold out staff. I was trained in the art of the staff fighting, Bo. It was favorite way to fight because I thought it made me look like I was in a movie.

I didn't pause in my steps pace, but I opened my staff and swung it behind me hitting them in the stomach. It them in the stomach and they let out a loud groan before they open a staff of their own. I smiled at the thought of a challenge for once. We fought for a while me blocking and jabbing them.

They finally get one hit on me with the end of the staff and all the air escapes my lungs. Then they take it chance to hit me in the throat, by this time I was on the ground gasping for air. They pulled out a syringe and injected me in the neck. Before I knew what was happening I was enveloped into darkness.

When I woke up I was in an interrogation room with chains on my wrists and ankles rendering me helpless. God, why do I always end up being the one kidnapped.

This room was more high tech and expensive. They were like the ones at the agency but instead of the walls being painted black and white it was red and black. I had an eerie feeling fizzing in my gut and I didn't like it

At the end of the room the door burst open and a guy walked in followed by a woman. The guy was wearing all white, he had salt and pepper falling out slightly at the top. He was well built and not much taller than me. I feel I knew him from somewhere like I know those facial features.

"Thea Sanchez" he said, and I froze. No one has called me that since I left my family when I was five years old.

"Surprised that I knew that, you shouldn't be. You probably already figured out that we have a mole in the agency. So, you're probably thinking that we want information on the agency but I don't. Honestly I couldn't care less what your stupid agency does as long as they don't interfere with my plans" he said

"What did you do to my family" I grinded out. I hadn't known them for awhile but I still loved them.

"Oh nothing really. I just have people watching them at all times, I wanted to protect them. WIthout your family I have no leverage on you and we can't have me losing power can we" he said smirking. I swear I've seen him before. His face was so familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"What do you want from me"

"It's not what it's more like who" he said smirking maniacally

"Who I'm not important enough for anyone to come for. Everyone knows when being held hostage you're on your own" I said in a duh tone. All my friends understand that, it one of the first things the agency teaches you.

"Good thing who I want is not in the agency" he paused "I believe you know my son" he paused again

"Sean Kingsley"

Dear thing I should have stopped writing in by now,

I sighed as called Thea's phone for the fourth time and her phone going to voicemail. I was really beginning to look like a clingy boyfriend, I needed to stop. I threw my phone onto my bed and leaned back in my chair.

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