The Truth Comes Out

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Katelyn's POV
I waited till everyone was gone to talk to Aph. "See ya later." "Is Katelyn-sama sure she's gonna leave by herself. Kaiwii ~ Chan doesn't want her to feel sad." "Kaiwii ~ Chan I'll be fine go home." Kaiwii ~ Chan walked out and I closed the door. "Why didn't you leave with them?" I turned to Aphmau. "Did Aaron do this to you?" She stood there looking at me with shock. She stood quiet and looked out the window then back at me. "Why would you think that?" "Because earlier Zane said 'because you said you love Gene and not him'" I know she was shocked I heard that considering that Zane whispered that to her and no one was suppose to hear. "It's not like that Katelyn." "It's not like what?" I walked up to her and held her hands. I sat down and tried pleading with her to tell me what happened. Wow, Aaron is such a piece of shit.

Aaron's POV
I walked for what felt like forever. Not even an internally. Aphmau probably hates me now. I walked into a little park and saw a girl who looked like Aph. She was walking around alone, just how Aph was when I met her.


"Hey." She turned around and I saw her beautiful chocolate eyes. Woah. "H-h-hi." She started blushing and I felt the heat rush to my face. Calm down. Calm down. Don't ruin this. Then I saw him. "Hey beautiful." Gene. "Ugh, Gene. What do you want?" She pushed him away and looked at me again. Need to help her. "Hey, um I think you should leave her alone." She started at me and started to blush again. Gene, pouted and sighed. "Okay. I get when I my welcomed." "Thanks for saving me." I blushed. "Anything for you."

~Present Time~

I started crying and punching the tree. I need to go back. I need to see her!

Sincerely, Gene (An Aphmau x Gene Fanficction) Where stories live. Discover now