# 6

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Nixie POV~

"Nixie hon are you ok?" my adopted mother said worried.

"I'm fine" I said.

"is it your-" she continued to ask.

"no I can mange it's nothing"I said. I can't show any weakness I lived with being blind for my entire life I can deal with my illness they said I don't need any medication every time I went to the hospital.


"Come on Nix, I got you" Ean said holding my hands we skated and I fell laughing so is Ean. "I think we should take a break for a little bit and go and eat" he suggested. he helped me up and walked to the branch carefully and took off the ice skates. and I walked with him holding on to him I can't tell him I'm losing my seance of smell and touch. the next few days I may not feel or smell him again. we walked carefully and got a table Ean told me what was on the menu one of them happened to me my favorite food item. the date was going well till I meached Aphmau and he couldn't stop talking about her.

we walked out of the ice skating place. "you like her more then me" I said.

"what do you mean?" he asked and we stopped walking.

"Aphmau you couldn't stop talking about her and I can hear it in your voice when you talk about her and how you talk to me it's not the same, why did you go out with me if you like someone else?" I asked him.

he didn't answer "Aphmau's right boy's just use us" I said and walked away from him. he didn't follow.

I walked for a while then my head started to hurt breathing was difficult everything was weak then I fell and felt nothing after words.

Few Days Later

Blaze POV~

"Aph, have you seen Nix she hasn't been at school for a while" I asked.

"no she has't picked up any calls, it's almost time to leave we should check on her" Aphmau said and I nodded.


we walked to her home but her mother is here. "Aphmau, Blaze what are you doing here?" she asked when she saw us.

"we came to check on Nixie, is she ok?" I asked her.

"no, come with me and you can see her if she's hasn't gone yet" she said and I was surprised. she's dying but she never showed any prier signs of that if it's sudden then she would have shown signs a weak before that breaking point.


"Nixie, there's a few people that came to see you" she said I'm looking around the room white walls and a tv mounted on the wall, and it's on. "she hasn't woken up yet, I pray to Irene she will soon and she's ok" she continued.

she has a breathing mask over her mouth. "what's wrong with her?" Aphmau asked worried.

"she was diagnose with an illness that I can't pronounce, that was 4 years ago the past week her symptoms were worsening but no treatment would work for her particular illness unless she was going to stay here for a month, her being stubborn she waited then it got worse she was lucky someone found her before she died on the street" Nix's mom answered. 

"will she be ok?" I asked and walked over to her. then her body started to shift a little, then she woke up.

"mom, blaze, Aph, wh- where am I?" she asked a little groggy.

"your sense of smell is still ok" her mom said relived. Aphmau walked over to her and hugged Nix so did I.

The Omega (PHD & My Street)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang