# 17

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Nixie POV~

we laid down on the grass holding each others hand trying to name all the constellations I only know a few. "what's that one called?" Laurence asked trying to map out the star's.

"Oh, umm.... it's one of the divine warriors, I can't remember what there called but they represent the warrior...symbols" I said as it pop into my head he laughed. "what?" I asked.

"it's adorable, how you try to figure things out" he said and I looked at him to see him smiling. my tail laying on his lap, "the symbol is Ezmands" he started and helping me name all the constellations and there backstories.

"how do you know so much about them?" I asked.

"mom, loved the star's talked about them a lot" he explained. "but we should head home" he said I got up with him still holding his hand. I liked being close to him we walked to my home we stopped at the door step. I turned around and hugged him, he kissed my cheek I looked at him and kissed his lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said and I opened my door smiled at him when I turned around. see him walking to his home.

Next day

Aphmau called me and told me to meet at Aaron's house. so I walked over to his house and knocked on the door, Aphmau opened and Aaron, Travis, Garroth, and Laurence were kinda arguing and had there shirt's off. "they wanted to do a competition to see who had the better body, I just wanted to watch frozen" Aphmau said.

"you called me over to judge them?" I questioned.

"yes, werewolves judge to see who would be stronger, I want this to be over with so I can watch frozen" she begged I shrugged and walked in and she closed the door behind me.

"alright the best judge you have is here, and I'm not playing favorites" I said and Travis looked a bit disappointed.

"Aw, I thought we were on a team" Travis said I shook my head.

"not when it comes to this" I said "alright are just judging who's stronger or who would be better in a fight?" I asked.

"I guess stronger, and Travis started all this" I nodded.

"and who's a better judge of who's stronger then a werewolf, now Travis hit me" I said everyone seemed surprised. "what I cant judge who's strong just based off looks, I have to feel how strong you are what better way to do that then hit me" I explained. "don't worry I'll be fine" I said and I got ready along with Travis. he went to hit me I stopped his punch with my hand he hit me a few more times. then the other guy's went to do the same.

"so who's stronger?" Travis asked.

"Aaron, told ya I'm not playing favorites Travis you where a close second but Garroth and Laurence are tied for strength" I said.

"now can we watch frozen" Aphmau asked as the guy put there shirt's back on. I liked Laurence's body the most. I sat next to him I wrapped my tail around Laurence and watched frozen.


"first time you watched frozen?" Laurence asked.

"first time I heard of it, I only seen vary few movies or tv show's" I said.

"then were going to watch some movies just us" Laurence said as we walked in to his home.

"a movie night, we could also make food it could be like a regular date thing" I said he smiled. we looked around for movies to watch at my place. Travis is learning potions with Lucinda Garroth trying to talk with Zane. I think Date is trying to reconnect with Nicole. we got some movies and walked back to my home.

"can werewolves have chocolate?" Laurence asked.

"no, but I have a substitute for that" I said and went to look in the cupboard for it. I showed him the substitute "try some see if you like it" I said and handed him a piece of it.

"doesn't taste to bad, we'll see how good it taste with eclairs" he said.

"aren't those complicated to make?" I asked he nodded.


"these are really good" I said and we sat down and played a movie. I shift out of my werewolf form and Laurence looked at me. "what?" I asked.

"I never seen you with out tour tail and ear's, not like it's bad" he said quickly after words.

"it's fine Laurence I'm rarely out of my werewolf form and I thought this would make you a little more comfortable if I look like a human" I said and he hugged me.

"you don't have to do that for me" he said I sat closer to him and he put his arm around my waist. "these are good, not better than chocolate but still really good" he said and we watched the movies.

Laurence POV~

after the 7th movie Nixie fell asleep I turned off the tv. I picked her up and walked up to her room. layed her down on her bed she changed back to her werewolf form I smiled and layed down next to her. her tail layed on both mine and her leg and held her close to me and fell asleep.

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