# 22

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Nixie POV~

week's passed and I finished with the inside of the house. I plopped down on the couch and watched TV for a little while. today is my day off work Laurence and I moved passed the awkward break-up and we are actually talking now, which is nice. mom dropped off Alexis at my house because I wanted to spend some time with her. and it's my turn to babysit anyway. 

after a little while I heard the door bell go off, I gave her the stuffed bear she likes and walked to the front door and opened it I see Laurence and Caleb. "you to?" I asked he nodded and walked in.

"so when do you know if she's a werewolf or not?" Laurence asked.

"they have till 10 to be able to turn into a werewolf, and a werewolf is a dominant gene but I don't think she's going to be one" I said and Laurence set Caleb down and he crawled Alexis and they played with the toy's I had set out. "so besides coming over here with Caleb so him and Alexis can play together, you just getting away from Zane?" I asked.

"ya, any excuse to get away from one eye" he said and I made some tea because that relaxes his mind. 

"the excuse is for Garroth you don't need one for Zane" I said and he rested his arms on the island and sighed.

"sometimes it's annoying how well you know me" he said and I smiled.

"ya, same here and here's your tea" I said and handed him a mug. I sat on the chairs that were for the island and watched Alexis and Caleb making sure there alright. they started to fight over the bear, "this always happen's" I said and placed down my mug. "let's go save the day" I said, Laurence put down his mug and went and helped me. 


"alright there asleep" I said and sat down on the couch next to Laurence. we turned down the volume form the tv so we could watch something. I was a little tired myself.

"you think your going to stay awake?" Laurence asked.

"no, maybe just for a little while, Alexis can be a handful" I said and Laurence smiled slightly.

"her and Caleb, just take a short nap, I got this" Laurence said and I layed my head on his lap and fell asleep.

Laurence POV~

She fell asleep on my lap, I smiled a little. I notice she is still wearing that necklace I gave her. I was careful not to wake her I went and put a blanket over her. I watched some more tv till I heard someone knock on the front door. I moved and layed her head down on one of the pillows she had out and opened the door, "hey Aph" I said.

"hi Laurence are you and Nixie back together?" Aphmau asked hopeful.

"no, me and Nix were baby siting our little siblings and we got them to sleep and Nixie crash so if you could be quiet, that would help" I whispered she nodded. then walked I closed the door quietly. "did you need Nixie for something?" I asked quietly.

"Aaron's parent's need to talk to her about a werewolf thing in there neighborhood" Aph said. "when will she be free?" she asked.

"when Alexis get's picked up in about 3 more hours" I said and Aphmau nodded.

"ok I'll come back and tell Aaron's father she'll be free in 3 hours, see ya Laurence" Aph said then walked out of the house, but she forgot to close the door quietly. I heard Nixie grown slightly.

"hey Laurence, how long was I asleep?" she asked, then sat up.

"for a few episode's, but Aaron's parents wanted you to solve a werewolf problem that's in there neighborhood when your free" I said she nodded and stretched.


Nixie POV~

Aaron drove me to his parents house, "do you really think your parents really wanted me to deal with a werewolf problem" I asked him.

"a werewolf problem yes, just not what they described to Aph" Aaron said, he looked over at me for a sec and smirk.

"what?" I asked him then he looked back at the road. "what was that smirk for?" I asked in a little more detail.

"your still wearing Laurence's necklace he gave you" he said and I smiled a little. "but it was sad that you had a miscarriage" Aaron said and I hit his shoulder.

"HOW, Kawaii~Chan is the only I told" I yelled.

"She didn't tell me, I was walked away from Garroth and Kawaii~Chan just happened to be in the same room as me when she squealed and said 'oh my Irene Nixie~Senpai is going to have a little werewolf'" he tried to imitate K.C. voice, I laughed.

"you make a terrible Kawaii~Chan" I stated and Aaron parked in the drive way. I got out with him and he knocked on the door, and I smelled Lavender and sneezed. the door opened and I smelled heavy lavender, I covered my nose. "there was a werewolf problem" I said and they let me in and closed the door behind us.

"sorry about the lavender, we have to hide our sent to smell human" his mom said.

"your smelling more like Mi'fwa's mixed with Witch's" I said.

"sorry, but we called you here to make sure Aaron's secret is safe" a girl said.

"ya, I think I'm allergic to lavender" I said and sneezed a few times.

"how can we trust her?" a male voice asked and I sneezed again, I can't even focus on anything. someone gave me a box of tissue, my eyes were watering.

"she can be trusted she kept it secret for over a year, let's just get her out of here" Aaron said and I sneezed again he pulled me outside. we walked more well I mostly sneezed.

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