# 21

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3 weeks after the summer was over

Nixie POV~

I waited for the cab to come by, it's early autumn my favorite season. Kawaii~Chan wanted me to meet her she and I became really close after me and Laurence broke-up. she talked me threw and was there, over the phone. she was also there with the miscarriage of mine and his unborn child. but thing's like that happen, some times I still wear that necklace he got me for my birthday.

I looked out the window "this is the place, $92" the cab driver said and I handed him the money and got my things then got out. he drove off, I sighed then walked around till I felt arms around me.

"NIXIE~SENPAI" Kawaii~chan yelled, she let's go of me and I turned to see her.

"hey Kawaii~Chan, good to see you in person and not on a video screen" I said and hugged her. "so why did you want to meet here?" I asked.

"well we all found a new home, when my street blew to pieces I wanted to show you around" Kawaii~Chan said and I got my luggage and walked with her. talked about what happened to our old home, love~love parricide, what I did over the summer. we never really talked about what I did just about the brake-up and the miscarriage. "oh, before we go inside close your eyes" she said and I did and she led me in.

"open them" she said and I saw the main floor it was opened space and filled with furniture it look's really lovely. "Katelyn~Sama and Kawaii~Chan lives here, dose Nixie~Senpai like it?" she asked for approval.

"more than you know you both did an amazing job" I said and she hugged me.

"There's one more house if Nixie~Senpai want's it, it's next across from Lucinda~Chan's house" She asked.

"ok, but I am going to need a place to stay for a little while till I'm done moving in" I said and she jumped up and wrapped her arms around me. "ok Kawaii~Chan just calm down a little, I know your excited" I said and she giggled.

"Nixie~Senpai can stay in Kawaii~Chan's room like a sleep over" she said, and I smiled.

"alright let me just take a look at the house and sign some paper's before we get a head on anything" I said.


I got the house now I just need to start to decorate or plan, a plan first. I walked out of the house "hey, Nix haven't seen you in a while" Garroth said and I walked over to him I know Laurence was there but I gave a small smile.

"hey good to see you to Garroth, hey Laurence" I said he gave a small wave.

"oh that's right, I'm sorry I-" I stopped him.

"it's fine Garroth, me and Laurence are cool but I do have to leave I got to plan out stuff and go furniture shopping" I said.

"oh your in the neighborhood?" Laurence asked I nodded. "we can go with you" Laurence offered.

"no, I know Aphmau believes in that IKEA superstition but I don't get lost, so I'll be fine see ya guy's around" I said and walked to my new home. I didn't let them see me cry or was about to, I do my best to keep most of my emotion's contained that's what my adopted mother taught me to do, before she died. I still miss her but I can't do much about it. when I walked in I pulled out the necklace Laurence gave me it had a locket in the shape of a heart and a L and N our first initial's. some times I wonder why he did let me go most of the time I think it's because he got tired of me or us, other times it's because we fell in love to fast that's what I hope anyway.

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